These warriors are magically infused with an intelligent plant seed which spreads its roots through the entire body. The plant enhances its host without altering their genetic code or causing any biological harm. Once implanted it lives symbiotically inside the body of the recipient where it grants certain mystical abilities.

Step 1: Attributes
As a side effect of the implants the body becomes tougher. Gain +2 to STR, DEX and CON. +4 to MR and +50 HPs. Hit points = CON +12, +12 per level.
Step 2: Skills
Skills are chosen in the normal manner but also gain the following free ones;
Acute Hearing
Heat Protection
Knowledge Herbalism
Step 3: Abilities
The character gains the following free;

Botanicum Plant - The character's greatest power is to generate unique types of magical plants from his body. He can either grow them from his own body or fire them out as seeds to grow in the nearby ground. See the table below for the various plant types. Once infested with the Botanicum plant the character stops aging, can absorb an amazing amount of damage before being hurt, and he can regenerate that damage very quickly depending on what made the wound. Only magical or supernatural damage can be truly fatal. Over time he learns to breathe through his entire body and is nearly impossible to smother. He heals x2 faster and can regrow any lost limbs within 24 hours, –1 hour per level. The character can absorb sunlight and minerals from the ground, allowing him to survive indefinitely without food as long as enough water is available. He automatically alters salt water into fresh water in his body.

He also starts with 25 points to spend on any of the abilities below.

Ability Cost Use
Botanicum Antibodies 5 These are simply tailored antibodies designed to fight off the most powerful viruses. They grant a bonus to all checks against illnesses and poisons of +5.
Botanicum Hearing 5 The user has a much higher hearing range than normally and can hear sounds outside the human spectrum. This gives bonuses to all skill checks that involve sound. His hearing is magnified by x10 for every 5 points spent.
Botanicum Lungs 5 This implant modifies the lung tissue as well as the structure of the blood vessels in order to allow the user to spend more time underwater, including fully functioning gills. However it neither protects the user against the water pressure, nor does it allow the user to survive completely without air. It is also able to filter toxins out of the air in the lungs, providing the given bonuses to Constitution – checks due to toxins in the air.
Botanicum Muscle 5 This process toughens up existing muscle. The result is an increase in strength (+4 STR) and toughness (+20 HPs). The skin's AC is reduced by 1. -1 each time rebought.
Botanicum Save 5 The botanicum plant tries to limit damage to the body by directing the blood away from wounds, releasing medicaments and building alternative blood vessels and nerves to circumvent injuries. If everything else fails it douses the brain in neuroprotectants and lower the body temperature, to allow a cryogenic suspension. The recipient heals twice as fast as normal.
Botanicum Sight 5 The botanicum can see heat images and traces the same way as thermo optic equipment, can see invisible lifeforms by their heat. Further he can also see Electrical fields (and their intensity), Gravity waves (in a radar like manner), Mana or Ley Line power (depending on which system you use), Magnetic fields, Radiation, Ultraviolet, Infrared and X-rays. All equal to normal sight range. 
Botanicum Speed 5 This process encourages the neural cells in the spinal cord and other main nerve trunks to replicate and lengthen. The result is a wider data path for impulse transmission and reduced time for the signal to traverse the distance. Thus more information can be sent in a shorter amount of time. +5 to initiative and an extra attack.
Botanicum Stamina 5 This character takes a long time to get tired, four times as long. Fighting, running, carrying and any other feats of endurance have their length of time quadrupled. 
Botanicum Talk 5 You are psychically attuned with your element and hears its whispers in your head. Any object that you touch which is a part of your element will come alive and obey simple commands involving speech (will answer questions).
Botanicum Witch Sight 5 Can see the true image of any person or object regardless of any form of concealment, disguise, illusion or invisibility. This also includes the ability to detect whether it is magical, and the exact nature of the magic.
Step 4: Creator
Determine what organisation is behind giving the character his abilities. This is who he works for;
01-40 Create a nature based secret society. 
41-90 Government department working for a monarch. Choose a country and agency.
91-00 Create a mad druid.
Allies or enemies?
Is the character still with his sponsor and how do they feel about each other?
01-16 Still with the sponsor and very well treated. Receives favours and a high wage from them of D10 x10 sestertii per week.
17-24 Still with the sponsor and dissatisfied. Treated with disdain by them and receives a minor wage from them of D10 x2 sestertii per week.
25-32 Still with the sponsor and treated like a slave. No wage and is constantly watched. Escape will take some planning.
33-44 Organisation closed down or dead. 
45-52 Sponsor still exists but has moved onto other experiments or projects. Not interested in the character.
53-68 Left the sponsor on very good terms. May receive favours and freelance work from them.
69-84 Left the sponsor after a major fight and some injuries. Hunted by them at Difficult level. They want him recaptured. 
85-92 Left the sponsor after a major battle and one or more deaths. Hunted by them at Severe level. They want him recaptured. 
93-00 Left sponsor after destroying the facility he was kept at with multiple deaths resulting. Hunted by them at Extreme level unless the GM decides the sponsor has suffered too greatly financially, in which case they may only be able to afford to hunt him at Severe or even Difficult level. They want him dead. 


Botanicum Plants
Listed here are the various plants available to the character which he can grow.
Type Function
Banana Split This Banana can split its skin open and launch bananas up to 1 metre per WIS. Upon hitting the ground the banana explodes doing no damage but covering a radius of 1 metre per 5 WIS area with a slippery surface. Any moving through it are at half DEX and MR.
Bonk Choy This plant expands to half the character's size and can rapidly punch nearby enemies that are within 1 metre of them, for D6 per level damage.
Cactus Cacti can shoot spikes in any direction. Range is 1 metre per WIS for a total damage of D6 per level.
Cherry Bomb Cherry Bombs can blow up everything within a 1 metre per WIS radius, +1 metre per level.
Four Leaf Blover Blovers can blow away any clouds or fog within a 1 metre per WIS radius, even magical ones.
Hot Potato Hot Potatoes maybe used to melt any areas covered in snow or ice. They radiate heat at 10 degrees celsius per WIS over a 1 metre per 5 WIS area.
Iceberg Lettuce Iceberg Lettuces maybe used to freeze an area of up to 1 metre per 5 WIS. They radiate cold reducing the current temperature by -10 degrees celsius per WIS.
Lightning Reed Lightning Reeds shoot lightning at any target within 1 metre per WIS. The bolt will then arc and hit any other target within 1 metre per WIS of that one. Damage is D6 electrical damage per level.
Peashooter Peashooters shoot peas at attacking enemies doing D6 per level within a range of 2 metres per WIS.
Plantern Planterns light up an area, letting you see through fog and even the darkest areas.
Pumpkin Armour This expands to fully cover the character like real armour with an AC of 8, -1 per level, and 5 HPs per WIS.
Squash Squashes enlarge to the same size as the character as they fly out and will smash the first target they hit, inflicting D6 per WIS and per level crushing damage.
Venus Flytrap Another plant which grows to human size and with a bite that does D6 per level.
Wall-nut Like the Squash, Wall-nuts expand as leave the character's body expanding to the same height as him and acting as a defensive barrier. It has 10 HPs per WIS with an AC of 8, -1 per level.



Ancient Classes