Beyond Heroes Cosmic Entities



Aelif, also known as The Life Entity, is a living sentient entity that was formed at the beginning of the universe and is the embodiment of life. It is not known whether the Entity was brought into the universe either by accident or by design. This Entity's existence came on the planet Earth which became the source of all life. After arriving on the barren world, it sealed itself beneath the magma of the world in order to hide where its entry into the universe began to affect the cosmos around it. The being's existence bestowed life across space and gave birth to living beings itself. This meant that it retained a link to all life and any harm to it would fall upon the living. Through its influence, it led to the development of the First Ones as well as numerous organisms.



Mortis is the embodiment of Death within the Beyond Heroes universe and ruler of a region where the souls of the dead await passage to their final residence in whatever Heaven or Hell they believe in. Mortis draws his power from the souls and spirits of all those who have ever died. His Avatars of Death are powered by the black emptiness of space which represents death and entropy. Mortis was formed out of the nothingness in existence prior to the creation of the universe as a defence mechanism to Ælif, the embodiment of Life. Given shape in the form of life's idea of death, Mortis marches with his undead army, claiming the hunger plaguing him has not abated. Mortis has made numerous attempts to kill everything in the universe in order to capture their souls and deny them the afterlife. So far he has been defeated each time by Ælif and her Avatars of Life.



Beyond Heroes Cosmic Beings Index