The Celestial Alliance is a union of seven interstellar states formed some time around 3 million BC in the wake of a devastating war with another race.  From 2400 AD they act as an opposing force to the Galactic Federation of Planets and its allies. The Alliance consists of the Klaxun, Kraxa, Arachnis, Horlock, Draconids, Cygni, Chameleons and TziTzi, all of which had hostile relations with the Federation and/or Tsaurid Empire in their previous history and all of which had typically previously maintained xenophobic and isolationist policies. One of the Alliance's earliest activities was to orchestrate a number of schemes to destabilize the Federation and slow down their rebuilding efforts, after their war with the Iridani. These various plots led Federation scientists to piece together what was going on and eventually discover the Alliance had formed. Eventually in 2513 full war broke out between the GFP and Celestial Alliance, finally ending in 2515. A second war later started in 2575, lasting until 2576. A third and final war took place between 2582 until 2878, ending when the Celestial homeworld was destroyed and its fleet dismantled.

