

Species Name: Chronosapien

Type: Synthetic Artificial Robotic life form

Physical Traits: Chronosapiens are a species of biomechanical lifeforms. They're robotic, metallic, and appear to be more machine-like than biological. They are made of yellow or black metal and have a translucent window on their chest which displays their innards, which appear to be various gears. They have a round, short head with a semi-circular appendage on top. When moving, Chronosapiens produce gear-like sounds. Chronosapiens are able to produce time rays that age their targets into dust or makes them time travel. They are also capable of time travel, and can display events that have happened in the past by rotating the appendage on their heads, which produces a light. This light covers the area and displays all objects and movements in the past as holographic images.
Chronosapiens can slow down time, which makes them look like they are fast when they're actually really slow. They
can sense another Chronosapien's power usage or the use of a Chronosapien Time Bomb, and can undo the effects of both. Chronosapiens can use each other's Chronosapien keys, but they won't have their true resonance. A Chronosapien's metallic body can be broken by sufficient force, and they can fall into a powered-down state in which the light in their torso as well as on their face goes off and they cease moving. They are slow runners and tire quickly. Use of a Chronosapien's powers creates a ripple effect which can be sensed and in some cases reversed by another Chronosapien. A Chronosapien's time powers are rendered useless in timeless dimensions.

Height: 6 ft

Weight: 380 lbs

Mobility: Legs

Sensory Organs: Visual

Communication: Vocal

Reproduction: Construction

INT: 4D6, WIS: 4D6, STR: 4D6, DEX: 3D6, CON: 3D6, CHA: 3D6, MR: D6, HPs: CON +D20, AC: 1

Feeding Habits: Energy

Lifespan: Indefinite

Technology: 11

Culture: Enlightened, truly kind race with little violence or hatefulness.

Government: None

Population: 54 billion


Home System:

None, their original planet no longer exists.


Alien Races