

Species Name: Durlan

Type: Amorphic

Physical Traits: Durlans are shape shifters with no true shape

Height: 4-7 ft

Weight: 80 lbs

Mobility: Legs

Sensory Organs: Visual

Communication: Vocal

Reproduction: Sexual

INT: 3D6, WIS: 3D6, STR: 3D6, DEX: 3D6, CON: 3D6, CHA: 3D6, MR: 3D6, HPs: CON +D8

Orbit/Climate: 1 AU. Extremely erratic, retrograde, elliptical orbit, unpredictable, harsh and violent temperature changes.

Atmosphere: Exotic and corrosive plethora of toxic trace metals and gases.

Oceans: 10%

Gravity: 100%

Feeding Habits: Omnivore

Lifespan: 110 years

Technology: 9

Culture: Xenophobic, fearful of others, harsh but still some redeeming features. They were originally a technologically prosperous race, until the "six-minute war", a radioactive conflict that devastated their planet. The Durlans used their shapeshifting power to survive, and even get back their civilization, but by the time they did, the radiation had affected their live young and no-one could remember the original shape of the Durlans. Currently, Durlans tend to appear as roughly human-sized masses of amorphous dark green tentacles. The Durlans are most distrusted a result of their legendary xenophobia; Durlans strictly prohibit any visitation by outsiders and do not often leave their own world. Some of the galaxy's mistrust of Durlans stems from their native shape-shifting ability. When Earth was invaded by Dominators, Durlans were part of the invasion force. They used their shapeshifting powers to impersonate the leaders of Cuba and built a fortress on the island nation to house a teleportation device. The intent was to use the device to send men and weapons to Earth and use Cuba as a staging ground for an invasion of North America. They were defeated, however by the Flash and the Manhunters.
A second group was born out of the "six-minute war". A group dedicated to scientific research that the mainstream Durlans decry, the Futurist Durlans seek to regain full control of their genome. In this cause, they came to Earth and founded an industrial base. They were searching for a precious database, launched to Earth instants before the war began, which contained the full genome, uncorrupted. The ship landed in the Tunguska region of Russia in 1908, causing a crater, and the database was removed by the Russians before independent scientific research could be done. They have sought it ever since, all the while engaging in a covert religious war with the main body of Durlan society, who they describe as "Purist Durlans". Futurist Durlans favour a humanoid shape, with bright red skin, exposed teeth and prominent claws on their two hand. A third group, apparently spared the "six-minute war" through the machinations of Brainiac, has been uncovered since then. They were captured and turned into a bottle city by the Coluan tyrant, but were rescued during the closing stages of the New Krypton Affair by a commando team from the 31st century. It is implied that this group will somehow lead Durlan society to its place in the United Planets, and that the Daggle family has its origins within it.

Government: Oligarchy

Population: 2.7 billion


Home System:

Number of Stars: 1, Durla

Star Type: B

Planetoid Belts: 2

Inner Planets: 3

Middle Planets: 5

Outer Planets: 4



Alien Races