Furchin Halfling


Species Name: Hauflin, Halflin, Halfling, Hin, Furchin, Ice Halfling, Frost Halfling

This rarest subrace of Halflings originated on Cthon, a frigid world of ice, mountain, and glacier from the Shattered Reality Dimension. The Furchin would probably still exist in blissful isolation, had not Takhisis come across their world in her travels and decided these bearded halflings would make good slaves. Consequently, many were captured and taken to different worlds. During the failed invasion of earth the warriors sent there rebelled and escaped, later aiding the Earthlings against their former masters.  They have taken to Earth's arctic areas while they try to determine what to do with their lives.

Type: Humanoid

Physical Traits: The most distinguishing feature of this subrace is the full, long beard that sprouts from the chin of the mature males. These beards are a matter of great pride, and in older Furchin often extend as far as the waist. Hair and skin colour vary widely, but tend to be pale, though eyes are usually dark.

Height: 3 - 4.5 ft

Weight: 50 - 70 lbs

Abilities: Nightvision equal to normal sight. Exist comfortably in conditions down to –28°C.

Mobility: Legs

Sensory Organs: Visual

Communication: Vocal

Reproduction: Sexual

INT: 3D6, WIS: 3D6, STR: 2D6, DEX: 4D6, CON: 4D6, CHA: 3D6, MR: 2D6, HPs: CON +D8

Orbit/Climate: See Earth

Feeding Habits: Omnivore

Lifespan: 160 years

Technology: 2

Culture: Standard. Diversified mix of kind and evil people.

The race favours warm clothing, woven of animal hair or lined with fur. They regularly wear snow shoes and boots. Furchins are primarily nomadic, ranging across icy glaciers and barren tundra, following great herds of migrating animals. They have become adept at surviving in these very harshest of conditions. The Furchin dwell in small clans, usually no more than thirty individuals in a community. In summer they live in tents of leather; in winter they make small, domed shelters of ice. Their clothing is made of fur, their equipment from leather, bone, and ivory; wood is
unknown on Cthon. Tribal leaders often wield metal weapons and tools acquired through trading with the dwarves inhabiting Cthon's interior. Having developed a number of specialized skills, the Furchin halflings are among the most adept demihumans in existence at surviving in their grueling environment-and seemingly having a good time while they're doing it. In general, the Furchin are a goodhumored people who enjoy practical jokes, funny stories, and bawdy songs. Both parents care for the young with great tolerance and tenderness, teaching their children early on the secrets of surviving ih their harsh clime. Strangers-especially those who bring gifts, objects for trade, or interesting stories to tell-will be welcomed by the Furchin with warm hospitality. Although their lives are hard, they are an unselfish people and will In their own environment, the Polar Halflings are primarily nomadic ranging across
icy glaciers and barren tundra, following great herds of migrating animals. They have become adept at surviving in these very harshest of conditions. When hunting, the Furchin use leather slings for small game and long, barbed spears for more formidable foes; a strong line can be attached to the spear to allow it (and whatever it has impaled) to be drawn back toward the launcher. In melee combat (which they avoid if at all possible), the Furchin use short handled axes and daggers. Because of their small numbers and an absence of potential foes, the members of this subrace are unused to war and have developed no tactics for fighting an organized formation of soldiers. In the realm of hunting and stalking, however, the Furchin are second to none. Occasionally, a few Furchin led by an experienced warrior will embark on an mission to slay some dangerous threat to the tribe-such as a band of yetis or a frost giant. Through clever use of terrain and diversion, as well as patiently planned and executed ambush, these halflings have been known to vanquish foes many times their own size. In this respect, obviously, they are not so different from their cousins who live in warmer climes.

Government: Council

Population: 7,000,000 in the Shattered Reality Dimension; 35,000 on Earth



Creating a Furchin character

Step 1: Attributes
Roll attributes as normal but only 2D6 for STR, 4D6 for DEX and CON, and -1 for CHA. Mana = INT + WIS x3. Mana is recovered at a rate of 10 per hour if remain active (but not using magic) and 20 per hour if asleep. Mana can however be permanently traded for HPs at a rate of 1 for 1. Hit points = CON +8, +8 per level.
Step 2: Skills

Choose skills in the normal manner according to the character's class.

Step 3: Abilities

Halflings gain all the following free;

Greater Resistance - The character gains a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against cold damage and cold effects. He can also exist comfortably in conditions down to –28°C without having to make a CON save. Halflings receive a +4 to all saving throws against magical attacks, poisons, and diseases.

Night Vision - The character can see in absolute darkness at a distance equal to his normal sight.

Additionally Halflings start with 35 Points to spend on any of the following abilities. As they earns more experience they may buy or rebuy more abilities.

Ability Cost Notes
Enhanced Taste 5 Can identify the specific ingredients of anything that have previously eaten, drunk or sample tasted. This includes chemicals, animals, plants, toxins and poisons.
Enhanced Vision 5 The character can see in absolute darkness at a distance equal to his normal sight. And can also see through heavy weather conditions such as falling snow, rain or mist.
Increased AC 10 This Halfling is extra nimble, +1 AC.
Increased Thac0 10 +1 Thac0 with thrown and sling weapons at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 and 19.
Natural Mana 10 +10 Mana at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18.
Natural Chameleon 5 Using this ability the Halfling can blend into and render himself nearly invisible in any tundra or snow terrain. When hiding he can conceal himself from attackers and eavesdrop on his enemies. He can hide near a well travelled road and secretly observe passersby, or conceal himself near an enemy campsite waiting for an opportune moment to steal their supplies. He may also move with a minimum of sound, almost as if he's walking on air. Even creatures with the sharpest ears are no more likely to detect his presence than they are to hear a feather drop. The ability works equally well in icy mountains, heavily wooded forests, or any other type of wilderness terrain. This goes well beyond the stealth skill raising it to a supernatural level and preventing any non magical detection.
Nature Heal 5 Whenever in a tundra area the Halfling can heal at phenomenal rates. He must concentrate for 1 minute uninterrupted to perform the following healing; restore 1 HP per INT, +1 per level per 10 minutes; reduce the damage and duration of drugs, toxins and poisons by 4% per INT, +1% per level and gives +1 to save per 4 INT; negate all pain for 1 minute per INT, +1 minute per level; or stabilize his condition (stops bleeding, binds wounds, etc.) for 15 minutes per level.
Nature Survival 5 Due to a Halfling's extensive experience and training in the tundra they gain +1 to any physical, combat and survival rolls made while within that environment. Each time this ability is rebought he may take an additional +1 with their terrain.
Sense Hidden 5 The Elf gains +1 per 5 INT to detect a hidden object, door, person, etc.
True Sight 5 The character can see the true image of any person or object regardless of any form of concealment, disguise, illusion or invisibility. This also includes the ability to detect whether it is magical, and whether it is harmful or helpful.
Step 5: Classes
Any but Shaman is the favoured mage class.


