

Species Name: Gordanian

Type: Reptilian

Physical Traits: Prehensile tail

Height: 8 ft

Weight: 220 lbs

Mobility: Legs

Sensory Organs: Visual

Communication: Vocal

Reproduction: Eggs

INT: 2D6, WIS: 3D6, STR: 4D6, DEX: 3D6, CON: 4D6, CHA: D6, MR: 4D6, HPs: CON +D20

Orbit/Climate: 1 AU. Very stable, elliptical (oval) orbit, warmer twice every local year.

Atmosphere: Standard and parched Oxygen/Nitrogen with minimal ozone and high Carbon dioxide.

Oceans: 70%

Gravity: 160%

Feeding Habits: Carnivore

Lifespan: 70 years

Technology: 10

Culture: Malevolent. Truly malicious race with no redeeming qualities at all. The Gordanians are a race of intergalactic slavers who originate from the Vega star system. They hail from the Gordane continent on the planet Karna. They are known allies with the Citadel and the Warlords of Okaara. Sometime before 5708 B.C., they switched alliances, abandoning the Citadel and allying themselves with the Psion Monarchy. Years before the Citadel War, the Citadelians made a pact with the pacifists of Changralyn, insuring that they would protect their world from other would-be invaders in exchange for a percentage of their newborn infants. Once per Changralynian mating season, a squad of Gordanians would arrive on the planet to collect their tithe, whereupon the infants were raised as slaves to the Citadel.

Government: Citadel Military Dictatorship

Population: 4.5 billion


Home System:

Number of Stars: 1, Vega

Star Type: K

Planetoid Belts: 1

Inner Planets: 5

Middle Planets: 10

Outer Planets: 4




Alien Races