

Species Name: Grig, Crick

The Grig is a mischievous and fun-loving sprite resembling cricket-centaurs. Grigs stand about 1˝ feet tall and weighs about 1 pound, typical for a fey. Grigs have no fear of larger creatures and delight in playing tricks.

Type: Micro Humanoid

Physical Traits: A Grig has the head, torso, and arms of a sprite, with the wings, antennae, and legs of a cricket. They can leap great distances and walk on most surfaces, even upside down. Grigs have light blue skin, forest green hair, and brown hairy legs. They have insect wings which allow them to fly at up to 5 kph with a ceiling of 1 km.

Height: 1-1.5' feet with a wingspan of 1 ft

Weight: 1-2lbs

Abilities: Grigs commonly carry with them fiddles, and they can play tunes on these that cause those that hear them to dance uncontrollably. All non-sprites within 30 feet of the fiddler must make a successful saving throw vs. spell or dance until the Grig ceases playing. Grigs can play for hours. They have double normal human hearing range and 90 metre infravision.

Mobility: Legs, wings

Sensory Organs: Visual

Communication: Vocal

Reproduction: Sexual

INT: 3D6, WIS: 3D6, STR: 2D6 +2, DEX: 3D6 +1, CON: 3D6, CHA: 3D6 +1, MR: 2D6/flight 4D6, HPs: CON +D4, AC: 5

Orbit/Climate: See Earth

Feeding Habits: Grigs live on nuts, berries and honey, like their Atomie cousins.

Lifespan: 200 years

Technology: 2

Culture: Standard. Diversified mix of kind and evil people. Grigs are mischievous and lighthearted. They have no fear of big people and take great joy in playing tricks upon them. They usually wear tunics or brightly coloured vests with buttons made from tiny gems. The origin of the Grigs remains a mystery. Fierce (by Sprite standards), each Grig carries six small darts and a sprite sword. Grigs gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls with darts. Darts and swords do normal damage when used by Grigs, but only 1 point of damage when used by non-Grigs. Grigs move silently in woodlands; they are surprised only on a 1, while opponents suffer a -6 penalty to surprise rolls. Some Grigs throw darts, while others leap to attack, and one Grig fiddler (Grigs never go anywhere without a fiddle), plays a song. Grigs roam the forests in small bands. They have no permanent homes but often sleep in the limbs of treants, or near unicorns (who protect Grigs even unto death). Grigs are cautious but trusting. They delight in playing pranks on big people. Common ploys include stealing food, collapsing a tent, and using ventriloquism to make objects talk. Once a prank is set, the Grigs sit back and watch, laughing at the unfortunate person. People who make fools of themselves are apt to be plagued by harmless jokes until they reach the forest edge. At that point, one of the Grigs comes out of hiding and makes amends with a gift, either a harmless bauble such as a 1d6×100 gp gem (25%) or a precious jar of really fresh honey (75%).

Government: None

Population: 5,626,560




Creating a Grig character

Step 1: Attributes
Roll attributes as normal but STR 2D6 +2, DEX and CHA +1, while AC is 5. Mana = INT + WIS x4. Mana is recovered at a rate of 10 per hour if remain active (but not using magic) and 20 per hour if asleep. Mana can however be permanently traded for HPs at a rate of 1 for 1. Hit points = CON +4, +4 per level.
Step 2: Skills

Choose skills in the normal manner according to the character's class. Then for every 100 years alive select 1 additional skill.

Step 3: Abilities

All Grigs gain all the following free;

Leap - x3 normal jumping range.

Night Vision - The character can see in absolute darkness at a distance equal to his normal sight.

Additionally Grigs start with 30 Points to spend on any of the following abilities. As they earns more experience they may buy or rebuy more abilities.

Ability Cost Notes
Agile 5 +1 AC
Alternate Form 10 Grigs can change into the form of a small insect (choose one type at character creation) while retaining one's own memories, powers and attributes. Requires 1 action to transform. 
Animal Empathy 5 Grigs can establish telepathic communication with any normal or giant animal within line of sight if he does nothing else in the round. The animal must have a minimum INT of 1. This has the following benefits:
He can communicate to the creature that he desires its friendship. If the offer is sincere (and the animal will be able to sense if it isn't), the creature can be calmed and will not attack or flee unless it is attacked. It will answer any of his questions.

Further he can then recruit this animal as an ally. Once he does so he permanently psionically links with the animal turning it into a familiar. At any point he may see through the familiar's eyes, smell through its nose, hear with its ears, taste with its mouth or link with any of its other senses (including supernatural ones). The two are always in constant telepathic contact.

Insect Empathy 5 Grigs can establish telepathic communication with any insect within line of sight if he does nothing else in the round. This has the following benefits:
He can communicate to the creature that he desires its friendship. If the offer is sincere (and the animal will be able to sense if it isn't), the creature can be calmed and will not attack or flee unless it is attacked. It will answer any of his questions.

Further he can then recruit this animal as an ally. Once he does so he permanently psionically links with the animal turning it into a familiar. At any point he may see through the familiar's eyes, smell through its nose, hear with its ears, taste with its mouth or link with any of its other senses (including supernatural ones). The two are always in constant telepathic contact.

Natural Mana 10 +10 Mana at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20.
Nature Heal 5 A Grig may select a particular type of terrain as his specialty area for healing. Whenever in this terrain the Grig can heal at phenomenal rates. He must concentrate for 1 minute uninterrupted to perform the following healing; restore 1 HP per INT, +1 per level per 10 minutes; reduce the damage and duration of drugs, toxins and poisons by 4% per INT, +1% per level and gives +1 to save per 4 INT; negate all pain for 1 minute per INT, +1 minute per level; or stabilize his condition (stops bleeding, binds wounds, etc.) for 15 minutes per level.

He may choose an additional terrain at level 5. Terrain types include; Jungle, Desert, Tundra, Mountain, Forest or Ocean. Each time this ability is rebought the Grig may choose a new terrain.

Nature Survival 5 Due to a Grig's extensive experience and training in jungles and forests they gain +1 to any physical, combat and survival rolls made while within that environment. He may choose an additional terrain at level 5. Terrain types include; Jungle, Desert, Tundra, Mountain, Forest or Ocean. Svartálfar instead start with Underground survival. Each time this ability is rebought he may either take an additional +1 with their terrain OR choose a new terrain.
Sense Hidden 5 Grigs gains +1 per 5 INT to detect a hidden object, door, person, etc.
Spellcast 10 The character starts with one spell per INT point over 9, he can learn an equal amount per level. Thus INT 13 = 3 spells +3 per level. The spells can only come from Faerie. Other spheres may only be learnt if he takes a Mage class which gives him that training.
Witch Sight 5 The character can see the true image of any person or object regardless of any form of concealment, disguise, illusion or invisibility. This also includes the ability to detect whether it is magical, and whether it is harmful or helpful.
Step 5: Classes

Any but Shamans are favoured by magic welders.

