
Halaman are half humanoid and half Arboreal.

Species Name: Halaman, Half Tree, Floric People

Halamans are the offshoots of Arboreals and humanoids, usually Elves or humans. Like their Arboreal parents, they are peaceful by nature, but deadly when angered. Halamans resemble men more than Arboreals, but are still very similar to trees in appearance.

Type: Humanoid Herbaceous

Physical Traits: Halaman have thick, green skin, with a plant-like texture. Their internal organs and bodily functions are still humanoid.

Height: 5-7 ft

Weight: 80-180 lbs

Abilities: Nightvision up to 30 metres. Halaman can transform into a medium sized tree form identical to a standard Halaman. While in tree form they are immune to all mind-affecting effects, poison, sleep effects, paralysis, polymorph, and stunning.

Mobility: Legs

Sensory Organs: Visual

Communication: Vocal

Reproduction: Sexual

INT: 3D6, WIS: 3D6, STR: 3D6, DEX: 3D6, CON: 3D6 +2, CHA: 3D6, MR: 3D6, HPs: CON +D20

Orbit/Climate: See Earth

Feeding Habits: The character produces his food photosynthetically by absorbing nutrients from the earth and atmosphere and using sunlight to make them into energy and tissue. He suffers D6 extra damage when attacked with weapons employing fire or cold. Complete nourishment for a day can be achieved by taking root in the soil for an hour during which it can't move. In addition they need three hours of bright sunlight or six hours of dim sunlight. Halamans have the same water needs as other races and animals, although they usually draws it from the soil. If the plant doesn't meet these requirements for a day, it suffers the same consequences as any other race or animal that doesn't eat all day. It takes several days of no food or water to kill a plant. It should be noted that certain special buildings or rooms (such as greenhouses, etc.) may be constructed so that the plant will get the full benefit of equivalent sun and soil while indoors. 

Lifespan: 200 years

Technology: 2

Culture: Truly kind race with little violence or hatefulness. Halamans quickly learn to congregate where other Fey are found, and they are typically welcomed among Gnomes, Pixies, Elves, and Satyrs. Some Fey communities go so far as to treat Halamans as honoured guests or royalty-leading some Halamans to expect this sort of deference at all times. This expectation, combined with a Halaman's inability to adjust to the social norms of other cultures, can cause a Halaman to come off as haughty or graceless in the eyes of those around her.

Adventuring Halamans who set out to right the world through physical force favour armour made from natural materials such as leather or hide. Those who don heavier protection prefer the light mithral armour crafted by the Elves. When Halamans wear armour, they ornament it with carved designs or embroidered patterns representing the
natural order of their forest homes and the causes for which they fight. Halaman heroes who leave their forests carry a piece of their tree with them, a charm carved from the wood ofa fallen branch, or a garland strung with autumn leaves whose colours never fade.

Government: Parliament of Nature via the Throne of Trees.

Population: 214,150


Creating a Halaman character

Step 1: Age
Determine your character's age. Roll D20 x10 years. If older than 100 you need to determine which years you have been present in. Next decide what you have been doing. Were you involved in any famous historical incidents? In the present day where does your character live or is he a wanderer, moving around continuously?
Step 2: Attributes
Roll attributes as normal but CON is +2. Mana = INT + WIS x3. Mana is recovered at a rate of 10 per hour if remain active (but not using magic) and 20 per hour if asleep. Mana can however be permanently traded for HPs at a rate of 1 for 1. Hit points = CON +20, +20 per level.
Step 3: Skills

Skills may be chosen as normal but some may not be possible due to the Cactun's physical nature.

Step 4: Abilities

All Halamans gain all the following free;

Night Vision - The character can see in absolute darkness at a distance up to 30 metres.

Tree Form - Halaman can transform into a medium sized tree form identical to a standard Arboreal. While in tree form they are immune to all mind-affecting effects, poison, sleep effects, paralysis, polymorph, and stunning.

Additionally Halamans start with 35 Points to spend on any of the following abilities. As they earns more experience they may buy or rebuy more abilities.

Ability Cost Notes
Natural Chameleon 5 Using this ability the Halaman can blend into and render himself nearly invisible in wooded areas, fields of tall grass, clumps of bushes, or any other wilderness area with dark or shaded terrain. When hiding he can conceal himself from attackers and eavesdrop on his enemies. He can hide near a well travelled road and secretly observe passersby, or conceal himself near an enemy campsite waiting for an opportune moment to steal their supplies. 

He may also move with a minimum of sound, almost as if he's walking on air. Even creatures with the sharpest ears are no more likely to detect his presence than they are to hear a feather drop. The ability works equally well in icy mountains, heavily wooded forests, or any other type of wilderness terrain. This goes well beyond the stealth skill raising it to a supernatural level and preventing any non magical detection.

Natural Defiance 5 The character can root himself to the ground and withstand great amounts of kinetic force and remain in a perfect upright position. As long as the character knows he's about to be hit by sudden force like a truck, he automatically becomes almost impossible to move. 5 tons per WIS +1 per level. The subject must be ready for the attack to prepare for the blow. Likewise he is extremely difficult to lift.
Natural Heal 5 An Halaman can heal at phenomenal rates whenever in a wooded area or forest. He must concentrate for 1 minute uninterrupted to perform the following healing; restore 1 HP per INT, +1 per level per 10 minutes; negate all pain for 1 minute per INT, +1 minute per level; or stabilize his condition (stops bleeding, binds wounds, etc.) for 15 minutes per level.
Natural Mana 10 +10 Mana at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20.
Natural Sense 5 The character always knows exactly where he is on the planet, even when underground. He can also sense what weather is approaching one hour per WIS ahead of time.
Natural Sight 5 The character can see heat images and traces the same way as thermo optic equipment can see invisible lifeforms by their heat. Further he can also see Electrical fields (and their intensity), Gravity waves (in a radar like manner), Mana or Ley Line power (depending on which system you use), Magnetic fields, Radiation, Ultraviolet, Infrared and X-rays. All equal to normal sight range. 
Natural State 5 Halamans are able to meld with the forest or any garden with trees in it, effectively becoming one with it. In this state he is aware of any activity within its vicinity. He may also enter into a state of suspended animation while doing this.
Plant Empathy 5 Cactun can establish telepathic communication with any plant within line of sight if he does nothing else in the round. No minimum INT required. This has the following benefits:
He can alter the plant, giving it intelligence. It will answer any of his questions. Further he can then recruit this plant as an ally. Once he does so he permanently psionically links with the plant turning it into a familiar. At any point he may see through the familiar's eyes, smell through its nose, hear with its ears, taste with its mouth or link with any of its other senses (including supernatural ones). The two are always in constant telepathic contact. He can have one ally per 5 WIS.
Spellcast 10 Faerie and Elemental Earth magic only but he is bestowed with all the spells within those spheres.

Halamans can tap into the world’s natural mana at a rate of INT + WIS x3. Mana is recovered at a rate of 10 per hour if remain active (but not using magic) and 20 per hour if asleep.

Witch Sight 10 The character can see the true image of any person or object regardless of any form of concealment, disguise, illusion or invisibility. This also includes the ability to detect whether it is magical, and whether it is harmful or helpful.
Step 5: Classes

Unless trained by another then Geomancer or Shaman are the only available classes. Any other classes would require consultation with the GM.


Age True Years Height Weight Body Mutations
Sapling 1-5 1 ft +D10 inches 10 kgs 1
Shrub 6-10 3 ft +D10 inches 30 kgs 2
Cactus 11-100 7 ft +D10 inches 60 kgs 4
Elder 101-200 20 +2D10 feet 90 kgs 6
Venerable 201+ 50 +5D10 feet 120 kgs 8


Plant Mutations
For a truly random character in this new world roll on the following tables. As always each section is optional. The player may choose to roll on all, some or none of the tables.
Step 1: Colour Mutations
Roll on this table several times; once for skin colour, again for eye colour and once more for fruit colour.
01-20 Completely normal green
21-25 Red
26-30 Orange
31-35 Yellow
36-40 Blue
41-45 Indigo
46-50 Violet
51-55 Gold
56-60 Silver
61-65 Bronze
66-70 Brown
71-75 White
76-80 Black
81-85 Grey
86-90 Transparent
91-00 Completely human or Elf appearance. Choose any humanoid skin colour.
Step 2: Eye Mutations
What type of eyes does the character have?
01-10 Very small; -2 to hit eyes if targeted by enemies.
11-20 Small; -1 to hit eyes if targeted by enemies.
21-40 Completely normal.
41-50 Large; +10% greater sight range.
51-60 Very Large; +20% greater sight range.
61-70 Oval shape; 180 degree vision.
71-80 Glowing; +1 to intimidate.
81-90 Insect; 360 degree vision.
91-00 Third Eye; see the invisible.
Step 3: Size Mutations
How big is the character?
01-08 1ft +D10 inches
09-16 2ft +D10 inches
17-24 3ft +D10 inches
25-30 4ft +D10 inches
31-44 5ft +D10 inches
45-52 6ft +D10 inches
53-60 7ft +D10 inches
61-68 8ft +D10 inches
69-76 9ft +D10 inches
77-84 10ft +D10 inches
85-92 11ft +D10 inches
93-00 12ft +D10 inches
Step 4: Body Mutations
Does the character have any additional mutations?
01-06 None.
07-12 Acid for blood; the plant's chlorophyll is highly acidic doing 5D6 damage to anything it touches.  
13-18 Alpha Sense; the character senses Alpha Wave emissions from animal and human brains at a range of 1 metre per WIS. He can locate the emission source exactly as if he were seeing the character. 
19-24 Aromatic; the plant's strong fragrance reminds those who smell it of their favourite food, causing them to follow the scent to its source. Each victim gets at a time of the GM's choosing, a Psi save to break this illusion. On windy days, range is 90 metres downwind and 30 metres upwind. The effect is broken once characters are within 3 metres of the plant or the plant attacks. 
25-30 Antennae; depending on the character's powers these could be used as senses, discharge, telepathy, etc.
31-36 Bacterial Symbiosis; plants with this mutation form a symbiotic relationship with powerful micro-organisms living beneath their outer skin. When the Plant is damaged or eaten, these are released and those coming in contact with them must save vs Disease. Those failing their roll contract a major illness. 
37-42 Barbed Leaves; the character's leaves can do severe damage to those coming in contact with them. The barbed hooks do D4 damage each. Unless careful removing them will cause another D4 damage.
43-48 Chemical Sense; the character senses the chemical makeup of the surrounding area up to a 1 metre per WIS range. The greater the variation from the background norm, the more clearly he sees something. 
49-54 Control; the character can control one plant within 1 metre per WIS making it do his bidding within its capabilities (it could not, for example, walk). 
55-60 Divisional Body; the plant's tendrils, vines, limbs, trunk, stalk or whatever (as deemed appropriate by the GM) have become segmented so that they can separate from its body and move about independently at a range of 30 metres. The character is assumed to have some rudimentary sense ability allowing it to make directed use of these elements. 
61-65 Explosive Seeds; the plant's seeds are explosive doing D6 each per level with a blast radius of 3 metres. Fruit and seeds may be stored for later use. 
66-70 Healing Fruit; the plant develops a special type of fruit that has any one of eight possible effects. Either roll once to determine what type of fruit the character always has or roll each time grow a new fruit. Roll D6 to determine what the fruit does; 
1 Heals all physical damage.
2 Cures any disease.
3 Cures any mental condition.
4 Induces trance-like sleep for D4 hours.
5 Cures radiation poisoning.
6 Antidote for all poisons, toxins and venoms.
71-76 Poisonous; the plant secretes a contact poison which does 3D6 skin damage to any who touch it unless they save vs Poison. 
77-82 Razor Leaves; the character's leaves can do severe damage to those coming in contact with them. The razors do D6 damage each and will cut most substances. 
83-88 Spore Cloud; the character has motion-sensitive skin. Anything moving nearby causes it to shoot spores in the general direction of the movement. The spores then release a gas causing victims to save vs Toxin or be knocked out. 
89-94 Thorn Expulsion; the character has barbed thorns it can fire up to PS x1 metre. He will have 4D20 Thorns and will take a week to grow new ones if any are used or damaged. The thorns do D4 each and choose whether they also contain a sedative. 
95-00 Transparent Body; can see right through his body. Note he is not totally invisible as his outline can be made out.


