Kender Halfling


Species Name: Kender

Kender are diminutive humanoids who are insatiably curious and utterly fearless, with an uncanny knack for getting into trouble.

Type: Humanoid

Physical Traits: Kender resemble human children, though more heavily muscled. Kender have distinctive pointed ears that give them an Elven appearance. They have sandy blonde, light brown, dark brown, copper-red, or red-orange hair, usually worn long with many varieties of braids and ponytails. Feathers, ribbons, flowers, and other colourful items are often woven into their hair. Kender are fair-skinned, but they tan quickly, becoming dark brown by mid-summer. Their eyes are variously pale blue, olive, light brown, and hazel. Kender have been called wizened because of the fine network of lines that creases their faces beginning at age 40. Their facial expressions are quite intense; no one seems as happy as a joyful Kender or as miserable as a weeping one.

Height: 3.5 - 3.7 ft

Weight: 65 - 75 lbs

Abilities: Nightvision equal to normal sight

Mobility: Legs

Sensory Organs: Visual

Communication: Vocal

Reproduction: Sexual. Kender seldom have more than two offspring. A second child is never conceived until the first leaves home with wanderlust. Thus the parents give their undivided attention to each child.

INT: 3D6, WIS: 3D6, STR: 2D6, DEX: 4D6, CON: 4D6, CHA: 3D6, MR: 2D6, HPs: CON +D8

Orbit/Climate: See Earth

Feeding Habits: Omnivore

Lifespan: 160 years

Technology: 2

Culture: Passive, truly kind race with little violence or hatefulness. Kender clothing varies widely, but tends to be colourful and bright. Soft leather is a particularly favoured material for clothing, especially if dyed bright colours and tooled with designs. Kender carry a mind-boggling assortment of small items in their pockets and belt pouches, such as bird feathers, animal teeth, rings, string, handkerchiefs, small tools, pet mice, oddly shaped twigs, foreign coins, and bits of dried meat. Anything that conceivably could hold a Kender’s attention for more than a few seconds will likely find its way into his pocket, with or without the actual owners permission. Many Kender are enthusiastic collectors and love to hold on to possessions won through skill and daring. Kender have a unique approach to personal property and theft. Their intense curiosity feeds their desire to know how locks can be opened, how to listen in on other’s conversations, and how to reach into pockets to find interesting things to look at. Thieving comes naturally to Kender, and they see nothing wrong with it; what others might call “stealing”, Kender call “handling”. Kender do not steal for the sake of profit, since they have little concept of value; they are just as happy with a chunk of purple glass as they are with a glittering diamond. Often they pick up an item out of curiosity and forget to return it. If caught red-handed with another’s property, they offer an amazing range of excuses: “I forgot I had it” – “I found it” – “I was afraid someone else would take it.” More often than not, Kender believe their excuses to be the truth. Ironically, Kender dislike the idea of someone deliberately taking an item without the owner’s permission; to be called a thief is considered a base insult.

Kender fight hard and relentlessly, sometimes coming up with unexpected tactics that can carry the day for their companions. They are immune to all forms of fear, including magical fear, and make saving throws against spells and poison with a +4 bonus. When alone and not outfitted in armour, Kender cause a -4 penalty to opponents’ surprise rolls. The Kender’s most effective defence is their ability to enrage opponents by taunting them with verbal abuse. Any creature taunted by a Kender for one full round must roll a successful saving throw vs. spell or attack wildly for 1d10 rounds at a -2 penalty to attack rolls and a +2 penalty to Armour Class. Kender employ a variety of weapons, and receive a +3 attack roll bonus when using slings or bows. Their favourite weapon is the hoopak, a special combination of a bo staff and staff sling. Made from resilient wood, one end of the hoopak is forked like a slingshot and has a leather pocket mounted between the forks. The other end is pointed and shod with metal or hardened by fire. When used as a sling, it causes D4 + 1 points of damage against small opponents and D6+1 points of damage against large opponents. When used as a staff, it causes D6 points of damage against small opponents and D4 points of damage against large opponents. If an adventuring party is lost in the wilderness, Kender have a 50% chance of determining the correct direction.

Typically Kender faces bear the intense, bright-eyed inquisitiveness of children. Happy Kender grin madly; sad Kender wear an intractable pout. When throwing taunts Kender look impish and shout in an incredibly grating tone. Their emotional intensity is infectious. In their countless pouches, pockets, and belt packs, Kender carry a wide assortment of junk. They have a tendency to "borrow" objects with a habit of finding things that have dropped into their pouches by accident, picking things up in the streets, finding "junk", and generally getting things that belong to other people. Kender are also masters at the art of insulting people using a wide repertoire of taunts, sarcasm, outright rudeness, and insults thanks to the shocking insights into a person's character flaws gained from the Kender's intense curiosity. They use this ability to taunt creatures, causing them to become irrational and attack wildly or fall into some kind of trap.

The basic unit of Kender society is the family consisting of parents and their children A Kender child stays with his parents until his early 20s, at which time he becomes subject to wanderlust. A Kender experiencing wanderlust is overwhelmed by his natural curiosity and desire for action he is compelled to wander the land as far as he can go. Wanderlust may last until the Kender reaches his 50s or 60s, at which time he enters a life-phase called rooting – a compulsion to settle down with a mate and raise a child or two. This cycle of wanderlust and rooting is responsible for spreading Kender communities across the world. An entire Kender family lives in the same house, usually no more than a single room, comfortably furnished with stuffed cushions and wooden furniture. Building materials include whatever is available; Kender have developed quite a knack for creating attractive homes from odd collections of stone, wood, brick, and thatch. No Kender home contains locks of any kind.

There has never been a standing Kender army. The occasional invaders attempting to occupy a Kender village quickly became discouraged: not only were the Kender tearless fighters, there was nothing much of interest in the village worth plundering, and the Kender made hopelessly inept slaves. In fact, most Kender find an enemy occupation to be a tremendous boost to the local economy, since the invaders always bring such interesting things for the Kender to “handle”. Though always welcome, non-Kender visitors seldom stay longer than a week in a Kender village – life among the Kender is just too frustrating. It is not uncommon for a visitor to be relieved of all of his possessions within a few hours. Visitors are pelted by a constant barrage of questions and rambling, pointless stories.

Kender can be endearingly charming or shockingly vulgar. They are natural extroverts and enjoy making new acquaintances. Though most are personable and friendly, they can also be obnoxiously talkative and nosy. Since Kender do what they want when they want to do it, they resent being given orders. At the same time, Kender are quite sensitive and can be easily hurt by indifference or intentionally cutting remarks. Kender treasure their friends; if a Kender’s friend is injured or slain, the Kender is usually overcome with grief and despair. Death is only meaningful to a Kender when it comes to one whom the Kender knows and loves, such as a family member or an adventuring companion, or when it strikes innocents, such as the victims of warfare or a natural disaster. In these cases, the anguish felt by the usually cheerfully Kender is heart wrenching to behold – the depression lingers for days or even months after the event. The concept of delayed gratification is alien to Kender. They thrive on excitement and yearn for new adventures. Some Kender believe that evil creatures are condemned to an afterlife where they will be bored for all eternity. The Kender’s innate fearlessness gives them remarkable confidence. They remain calm and carefree even in the most life-threatening situations. The combination of fearlessness, uncontrollable curiosity, and impulsiveness invariably gets them into trouble, as they are forever peeking into dark corners and forging ahead into unexplored places. Kender often allow their curiosity to overcome what common sense they possess, especially when encountering an unusual monster. When a Kender displays an uncommonly sensible attitude in a dangerous situation, it is probably because he realizes that death means never doing anything interesting again.

Government: Kender communities are democratic to the point of anarchy – every citizen is more or less allowed to do whatever he pleases. Kender see no reason to impose their views on anyone else. Since evil Kender do not exist, there is little need for laws or a formal government. When an emergency arises that requires cooperation from the Kender, they do so naturally; with minimal preparation, they can become a formidable, unified group. his is not to say that the idea of government is totally without its appeal for Kender. They have experimented with every conceivable form of government and are more than willing to give any new type a chance. They also follow any leader for as long as he remains interesting. Owing to the Kender's low tolerance for boredom, a new government or new leader seldom holds their attention for more than a few days.

Population: 900,000


Creating a Kender character

Step 1: Attributes
Roll attributes as normal but only 2D6 for STR and 4D6 for DEX and CON. Mana = INT + WIS x3. Mana is recovered at a rate of 10 per hour if remain active (but not using magic) and 20 per hour if asleep. Mana can however be permanently traded for HPs at a rate of 1 for 1. Hit points = CON +8, +8 per level.
Step 2: Skills

Choose skills in the normal manner according to the character's class.

Step 3: Abilities

Kender gain all the following free;

Taunt - Kender have raised rudeness to an art form. All enemy taunted will be –2 Thac0 and AC for the rest of the combat. He can affect 1 enemy per 4 CHA +1 per level. Further any affected will focus all their attacks on the taunter.

Night Vision - The character can see in absolute darkness at a distance equal to his normal sight.

Additionally Kender's start with 25 Points to spend on any of the following abilities. As they earns more experience they may buy or rebuy more abilities.

Ability Cost Notes
Enhanced Taste 5 Can identify the specific ingredients of anything that have previously eaten, drunk or sample tasted. This includes chemicals, animals, plants, toxins and poisons.
Immune to Afflictions 5

No afflictions of any type whether supernatural or genetic will work on the Kender. This includes eugenics, drugs, nanites, lycanthropy, vampirism, diseases, zombies or any other form of paranormal or mystical transformation. His genes are locked and cannot be altered. This includes immunity to Alteration powers.

Immune to Arcane Objects 5 No spells or supernatural abilities possessed by an Arcane Weapon or Equipment will work on the Kender. However a sword for example can still cut him in the normal way.
Immune to Control 5 No form of direct mental attacks or mind control can affect a Kender. He is completely immune to any form of control, manipulation or takeover (he cant be possessed).
Immune to Drain 5 The character cannot have his lifeforce, soul, levels, attributes, hit points, energy, chi or mana drained by another lifeform, entity or object.
Immune to Supernatural Fear 5 Supernatural Fear is any enhancement of an already grisly sight. The normal saving throws don't apply as this wont work on a Kender. This however is totally separate to any Trauma saving throws from seeing something repulsive.
Increased AC 10 This Kender is extra nimble, +1 AC.
Increased Thac0 10 +1 Thac0 with sling weapons at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 and 19.
Natural Chameleon 5 Using this ability the Kender can blend into and render himself nearly invisible in wooded areas, fields of tall grass, clumps of bushes, or any other wilderness area with dark or shaded terrain. When hiding he can conceal himself from attackers and eavesdrop on his enemies. He can hide near a well travelled road and secretly observe passersby, or conceal himself near an enemy campsite waiting for an opportune moment to steal their supplies. 

He may also move with a minimum of sound, almost as if he's walking on air. Even creatures with the sharpest ears are no more likely to detect his presence than they are to hear a feather drop. The ability works equally well in icy mountains, heavily wooded forests, or any other type of wilderness terrain. This goes well beyond the stealth skill raising it to a supernatural level and preventing any non magical detection.

True Sight 5 The character can see the true image of any person or object regardless of any form of concealment, disguise, illusion or invisibility. This also includes the ability to detect whether it is magical, and whether it is harmful or helpful.
Step 5: Classes
Any but Shaman is the favoured mage class.


Heroes Earth
Before recorded history began Kender's were a shy and fugitive people living as hunter-gatherers on the edges of civilization, hiding in isolated burrows from the humanoids and monsters that preyed upon them. The civilized races Elves, Humans, Dwarves, and Gnomes took little if any notice of them. Then for reasons which these races have never fully understood the small folk suddenly came out of hiding, gathered together and created small agricultural settlements for themselves across the face of the known worlds. At any rate it is clear that Kender's arrived on the scene after the human colonists and well behind the longer lived dwarves, elves, and gnomes. The Kender's seem to have made a point of not competing with the brawnier neighbours, instead selecting regions of lowland or dense thicket which they industriously drained and cleared, forming the pastoral shires inherited by their descendants.

Post Holocaust Era:

In 1351 AD after suffering thousands of losses due to the Infernal created Black Death the various Kender united to follow the Dwarves into hiding deep into various mountains around the world where they had their strongholds.

After the catastrophe of the Chaos Era the Dwarves and Kender emerged to find their world changed and warped. Mutated humanoids and animals roamed freely throughout the land, slaying everyone in their path. Daemons created nightmare realms enslaving entire tribes and peoples and murdered and pillaged at will. It was time to locate their former allies the humans, if any still existed.


