

Species Name: Kronan

Type: Mineraloid species composed of inorganic material

Physical Traits: Rock skin

Height: 8 ft

Weight: 500 lbs

Mobility: Legs

Sensory Organs: Visual

Communication: Vocal

Reproduction: Asexual

INT: 2D6, WIS: D6, STR: 5D6, DEX: 3D6, CON: 5D6, CHA: D6, MR: D6, HPs: CON +(D20 x20)

Orbit/Climate: 1 AU. Very stable, very elliptical orbit, gets hot and cold twice every local year.

Atmosphere: Exotic and Dense Thick atmosphere of ammonia and methane.

Oceans: 5%

Gravity: 140%

Feeding Habits: Omnivore

Lifespan: 900 years

Technology: 1

Culture: Xenophobic. Fearful of others, harsh but still some redeeming features. The Kronans established a base on one of Saturn's moons, hence the nickname Stone Men of Saturn. In modern times, the Kronans landed an immense invasion force in Norway. Sighted by Dr. Donald Blake, they pursued him into a cave, where Blake discovered the hammer of Thor. The Kronans went on to attack NATO forces, driving them off with an illusion of a dragon. When Thor came to fight them, they lowered a cage over him to capture him, but he smashed through. They aimed their disintegrators at him, but he smashed them with his hammer. Finally, they unleashed the Mechano Monster, but Thor destroyed it with a single blow. Terrified of Thor, the Kronans fled earth. One of the escaping Kronan vessels crashed into an asteroid and became stranded in space. When Thor, Sif, and the Warriors Three visited the site of their crash in their vessel the Star-Jammer, the Kronans attacked them in the hopes of stealing the Star-Jammer. Unable to match them in power, one of the Kronans removed the Gravitron from their ship and modified it into a weapon to fall Thor and his allies. However, Thor fought against the ray, and destroyed it. He then destroyed the Kronans' vessel, setting off a chain reaction which set about destroying the entire asteroid. The Star-Jammer lifted off the asteroid, abandoning the Kronans to their deaths.

Government: Military Dictatorship

Population: 8 billion


Home System:

Number of Stars: 1, Krona

Star Type: G

Planetoid Belts: 1

Inner Planets: 2

Middle Planets: 3

Outer Planets: 1




Alien Races