
Kuo-Toa are an ancient race of fish-men that dwells in the sea and harbours a deep hatred of surface dwellers and sunlight.


Species Name: Kuo-Toa, Kuot

Type: Humanoid Amphibian

Physical Traits: A Kuo-Toan presents a cold and horrible appearance. A typical specimen looks much like a human body, albeit a paunchy one, covered in scales and topped with a fish’s head. The huge fish eyes tend to swivel in different directions when observing an area or creature. The hands and feet are very long, with three fingers and an opposing digit, partially webbed. The legs and arms are short for the body size. Its coloration is pale grey, with undertones of tan or yellow in males only. The skin has a sheen from its slimy covering. The colour darkens when the Kuo-Toan is angry and pales when it is badly frightened. A strong odour of dead fish follows it around.

Height: 6-7 feet

Weight: 50-100lbs

Abilities: The special defenses of these creatures include skin secretions, which gives attempts to grapple, grasp, tie, or web a Kuo-Toan only a 25% chance of success. Despite their eyes being set on the sides of their heads, they have excellent independent monocular vision, with a 180-degree field of vision and the ability to spot movement even though the subject is invisible, astral, or ethereal. Thus, by maintaining complete motionlessness, a subject can avoid detection. Kuo-Toa also have 60-foot infravision and have the ability to sense vibrations up to 10 yards away. Kuo-Toa are totally immune to poison and are not affected by paralysis. Spells that generally affect only humanoid types have no effect on them. Electrical attacks cause half damage, or none if the saving throw is successful; magic missiles cause only 1 point of damage; illusions are useless against them. However, Kuo-Toa hate bright light and suffer a -1 penalty to their attack roll in such circumstances as daylight or light spells. They suffer full damage from fire attacks and save with a -2 penalty against them.

Mobility: Legs

Sensory Organs: Visual

Communication: Visual

Reproduction: Kuo-Toa spawn as do fish, and hatchlings, or fingerlings as they call their young, are raised in pools until their amphibian qualities develop, about one year after hatching. The young, now a foot or so high, are then able to breathe air and they are raised in pens according to their sex and fitness. There are no families, as we know them, in Kuo-Toan society.

INT: 3D6, WIS: 3D6, STR: 3D6, DEX: 3D6, CON: 3D6, CHA: 3D6, MR: 2D6 walk/4D6 swim, HPs: CON +D6, AC: 7

Orbit/Climate: See Earth

Feeding Habits: Though Kuo-Toa prefer a diet of flesh, they also raise fields of kelp and fungi to supplement their food supply. These fields, lit by strange phosphorescent fungi, are tended by slaves, who are also used for food and sacrifices.

Lifespan: 80 years

Technology: 2

Culture: Malevolent, truly malicious race with little or no redeeming qualities at all. It wears no clothing, only leather harnesses for its weapons and gear. Typically, a Kuo-Toan warrior carries daggers, spears, shields, harpoons and weighted throwing nets. These creatures normally travel in well-armed bands. If more than 20 Kuo-Toa are encountered, it is 50% likely that they are within 1d6 miles of their lair. For every four normal warriors encountered there is an additional fighter of 3rd or 4th level. For every eight normal fighters there is an additional fighter of 5th or 6th level. The whips are fanatical devotees of the Sea Mother goddess of the Kuo-Toa. They inspire the troops to stand firm and fight without quarter for the glory of their ruler and their deity. It is 50% probable that any Kuo-Toan priest above 6th level is armed with a pincer staff. This is a 5-foot-long pole topped by a three-foot-long claw. If the user scores a hit, the claw has closed upon the opponent, making escape impossible. It is 10% probable that both arms are pinned by the claw and 40% probable that one arm is trapped. If the victim is right handed, the claw traps the left hand 75% of the time. Trapped opponents lose shield and Dexterity bonuses. If the weapon arm is trapped, the victim cannot attack and the Dexterity bonus is lost, but the shield bonus remains. The harpoon is mostly used only by higher level fighters. It is a wickedly barbed throwing weapon with a 30 yard range. It inflicts 2d6 points of damage, exclusive of bonuses. Victims must roll a successful saving throw of 13+ on 1d20 to avoid being snagged by the weapon. Man-sized or smaller beings who fail this saving throw are jerked off their feet and stunned for 1d4 rounds. The Kuo-Toan, who is attached to his weapon by a stout cord, then tries to haul in its victim and slay him with a dagger thrust. Kuo-Toan shields are made of special boiled leather and are treated with a unique glue-like substance before a battle. Anyone who attacks a Kuo-Toan from the front has a 25% chance of getting his weapon stuck fast. The chance of the victim freeing the weapon is the same as his chance for opening doors. Hit probability for Kuo-Toa is the same as that of a human of similar level, but males also gain a +1 bonus to both attack rolls and damage rolls when using a weapon, due to Strength. When fighting with a dagger only, Kuo-Toa can bite, which causes 1d4+1 points of damage.

Sometimes Kuo-Toa are encountered in small bands journeying in the upper world to kidnap humans for slaves and sacrifices. Such parties are sometimes also found in dungeon labyrinths that connect to the extensive system of underworld passages and caverns that honeycomb the crust of the earth. Only far below the surface of the earth can the intrepid explorer find the caverns in which the Kuo-Toa build their underground communities. Kuo-Toan communities do not generally cooperate, though they have special places of worship in common. These places are usually for intergroup trade, councils, and worship of the Sea Mother, so they are open to all Kuo-Toa. These religious communities, as well as other settlements, are open to Drow and their servants, for the dark elves provide useful goods and services, though the Drow are both feared and hated by the Kuo-Toa. This leads to many minor skirmishes and frequent kidnappings between the peoples. The Illithids (mind flayers) are greatly hated by the Kuo-Toa and they and their allies are attacked on sight. The ancient Kuo-Toa once inhabited the shores and islands of the upper world, but as the race of mankind grew more numerous and powerful, these men-fish were slowly driven to remote regions. Continual warfare upon these evil, human-sacrificing creatures threatened to exterminate the species, for a number of powerful beings were aiding mankind, their sworn enemies. Some Kuo-Toa sought refuge in sea caverns and secret subterranean waters, and while their fellows were being slaughtered, these few prospered and developed new powers to adapt to their lightless habitat. Now the Kuo-Toa are haters of sunlight and are almost never encountered on the earth’s surface. This, and their inborn hatred of discipline, prevent the resurgence of these creatures, for they have become numerous once again and acquired new powers. However, they have also become somewhat unstable, possibly as a result of inbreeding, and insanity is common among the species. If a Kuo-Toan lair is found, it contains 4d10×10 2nd-level males. In addition, there are higher level fighters in the same ratio as noted for wandering groups. The leader of the group is one of the following, depending on the lair’s.

Government: Tribal

Population: 2,131,510


Creating a Kuo-Toa character

Step 1: Attributes
Roll attributes as normal with AC 7. Mana = INT + WIS x3. Mana is recovered at a rate of 10 per hour if remain active (but not using magic) and 20 per hour if asleep. Mana can however be permanently traded for HPs at a rate of 1 for 1. Hit points = CON +6, +6 per level.
Step 2: Skills

Choose skills in the normal manner according to the character's class.

Step 3: Abilities

All Kuo-Toa gain all the following free;

Night Vision - The character can see in low light with absolute clarity at a distance of 60 feet.

Slimy Skin - Kuo-Toas secrete a slime from their skin which makes attempts to grab or grasp them suffer a -5 Thac0 penalty.

Additionally Kuo-Toas start with 35 Points to spend on any of the following abilities. As they earns more experience they may buy or rebuy more abilities.

Ability Cost Notes
Even slimier 5 An additional -1 Thac0 penalty to enemies and +1 AC.
Immunity, Electrical 5

This Kuo-Toa only takes half damage from electrical attacks.

Immunity, Paralysis 5 This Kuo-Toa is totally immune to paralysis and hold powers and magic.
Immunity, Poison 5 This Kuo-Toa is totally immune to poison.
Natural Mana 10 +10 Mana at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20.
Nature Heal 5

Only ocean terrain maybe selected for healing at phenomenal rates. He must concentrate for 1 minute uninterrupted to perform the following healing; restore 1 HP per INT, +1 per level per 10 minutes; reduce the damage and duration of drugs, toxins and poisons by 4% per INT, +1% per level and gives +1 to save per 4 INT; negate all pain for 1 minute per INT, +1 minute per level; or stabilize his condition (stops bleeding, binds wounds, etc.) for 15 minutes per level.

Nature Survival 5 Due to a Kuo-Toa's extensive experience and training in the ocean they gain +1 to any physical, combat and survival rolls made while within that environment. Each time this ability is rebought he may take an additional +1.
SAN Bonus 10 +1 Sanity save at levels 2, 5, 9, 11, 13 and 17.
Willpower Bonus 10 +1 Willpower save at levels 1, 4, 8, 12, 14, 16 and 20.
Witch Sight 5 The character can see the true image of any person or object regardless of any form of concealment, disguise, illusion or invisibility. This also includes the ability to detect whether it is magical, and whether it is harmful or helpful.
Step 4: Classes



