
Lemuria is a defence facility created by the Harmonic after building Atlantis. It was the site of powerful weapons that led to the destruction of the Tsaruid attacking fleet, but was destroyed in the same battle.

It was approximately 3 square kilometres in size and its peak housed well over a million beings. As well as weaponery able to reach enemies in orbit it also had defence shields which could completely encompass the city when activated. The city includes numerous buildings of various sizes, with the centre facility being the control tower. The city's final defence was an enormous supply, of drone weapons capable of reaching high orbit. The devices remained on stand-by in honeycomb-like racks until they were required to launch. This bay was configured for automatic launching of the weapons, routing the drones to three portals on three separate piers where they can emerge and attack.

Lemuria employed a tremendous array of long-range sensors, allowing scanning of nearby star systems up to several light years away. Often used as an early warning system, the sensors permit the city's shield to activate before any threats come within weapons range.

There were also multiple scientific laboratories and medical facilities throughout the city. Each of the six arms had its own spaceport located in the end parts.

Unlike Atlantis, Lemuria was not built on a ley line and never attracted any mages. It remained a mainly scientific community right up until its destruction.


Atlantis Timeline
500,000 BC - The Harmonic land on earth and establish various refugee bases around the world for those fleeing from the tyranny of the Celestial Alliance. They are careful not to interfere with the native developing races of the world. Among these bases are Atlantis and Lemuria. Unbeknownst to them Atlantis is built on top of the largest ley line in the world.


125,000 BC - Sorcerers escaping the Astaroth takeover of their dimension cross over from Darkworld to Earth. They establish themselves at Egypt, the Bermuda, Ayer's Rock and Mt Olympus. Earth's latent magic force is tapped for the first time as the sorcerers establish themselves as gods spawning various religions. They create talismans with their names so their worshippers can contact them should the need arise. They are also followed by demonic minions of the Astaroth. However due to the huge mana cost only one Astaroth is able to follow. This also has the result of awakening the powerful mana forces in Atlantis.


100,000 BC - Elves discover Atlantis and are welcomed with open arms by the Harmonic. They begin retraining in the art of science as well as the more recent art of magic. First Dragons appear.


90,000 BC - Atlantean Elven experiments with insects and animals leads to the creation of the Felinar and Lupinoid races. Meanwhile Demons do some experimenting of their own leading to the creation of such races as the Lizard Men, Trolls, and some of the true monsters.


89,460 BC - Experimentation by the Atlanteans on humanoids leads to the creation of the Sky People.


80,030 BC - A set of twins are born; Aeolus and Chnothos. Both eventually become Battle Mages but Aeolus chooses to serve Order while Chnothos turns to the Infernal.


80,000 BC - Height of the Atlantean empire. Aeolus has many adventures involving saving Atlantis. 


79,990 BC - Eventually after the loss of the Atlantean Mage King during an invasion by demons, Aeolus becomes king. One of his greatest foes are the Lizard Men, who use their shape changing abilities to resemble human beings and infiltrate human civilizations with the intent of conquering them. Aeolus manages to uncover most of the Lizard Men's plots and has many of them killed. 


79,980 BC - Lizard Men sorcerers discover the Necronomicon, the ancient mystical tome penned by the Elder God Kali. Founding the first Cult of Kali, they begin experimenting with the spells contained within, looking for a method to cause their enemies to return from the dead. With the aid of Chnothos they are successful in resurrecting them as the first vampires and unleash them against their greatest enemy, Aeolus of Atlantis. However Aeolus proves more powerful than they realised and with Gaea's aid is able to destroy most of the undead. The surviving vampires flee to continental Eurasia. Aeolus then hunts down and slays all of the Cult except for one. Chnothos flees and eventually settles in Eurasia, taking the Necronomicon with him. Over the next few millennia the tome passes through a number of different hands. 


79,970 BC - A lone but powerful Astaroth invades the realm of the Dwarves genetically altering many of them to serve as his minions. The Astaroth is eventually slain by Aeolus and his Terraneans freed of his influence. They chose to travel deep into the earth, near its core.


79,920 BC - Death of Aeolus from natural causes. With no apparent successor available a ruling council is elected instead, the first form of democracy. By sheer coincidence his brother Chnothos also succumbs to old age and dies at the exact same moment.


71,000 BC - Atlantis begins to slide into decadence and suffers from a number of invasions from the nation of Lizard Men as well as a rapidly cooling climate. Foreseeing that the approaching ice would eventually reach Atlantis, the ruling council has huge glass like domes erected over the city and fortify its foundations. 


70,000 BC - Final invasion of Atlantis by the Lizard Men. To stop the onslaught, the council opens the magma pits which were the city's main means of heating. The Lizard invaders are all destroyed, but the magma release triggers a seismological cataclysm which causes a series of earthquakes throughout the continent. Atlantis sinks into the ocean. The Atlantean Harmonic relocate to Lemuria. A number of surviving Atlantean Elves who had been trapped on the outside relocate to northern Europe, but not before taking their revenge by releasing a bioweapon on the Lizard Men which would rob them of their shapechanging ability. In light of the rapidly approaching ice age these Atlanteans find their new homeland harsh and severe, and have to revert to barbarism in order to survive. 

Gaea gives sentience to a grove of trees (the original Throne of Trees), and also transforms the surviving Atlanteans who had become trapped under the water into Mer people.


8350 BC - Neolithic settlement at Jericho. The Tsaurid empire having inflicted major defeats on the Celestial Alliance arrive on earth looking for any outposts. Instead they detect the Harmonic base Lemuria and immediately attack it. Lemuria shoots down the battleship but not before its orbital bombardment causes shockwaves worldwide. With whole continents being swamped by tsunamis Lemuria, like Atlantis before it sinks beneath the waves. The Harmonic in a panic over the amount of life being destroyed break their own laws regarding experimentation and transform some humans into water breathers. They are eventually able to reclaim Lemuria and Atlantis. Others flee underground. Some join the Dwarves while the rest find their own way. The surviving Harmonic leave earth to return home.



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