Lost in Space movie universe

In the year 2058, with Earth soon to be uninhabitable from the irreversible effects of pollution, the majority of nations (the United Global Space Force) prepare for the peaceful colonization of space. Meanwhile, a minority of terrorist forces (the Global Sedition) seek to shape colonization to their own agenda. Professor John Robinson lead scientist of the Jupiter Mission, plans to lead his wife Maureen, daughters Judy  and Penny, and son Will  on a 10-year mission in suspended animation to the nearby habitable planet Alpha Prime, where they will build a companion "hypergate" to the one in construction in Earth orbit (hypergates providing stable points of departure and arrival when using the faster-than-light hyperdrive). The project is accelerated after Global Sedition terrorist forces attack the Earth hypergate, thwarted by pilot Major Don West, and murder the Jupiter Mission's candidate pilot, with Don replacing him. Dr. Zachary Smith a mole employed by the Global Sedition, reprograms the mission's robot to destroy the ship and crew, but is betrayed by his employers and left as an unwilling stowaway when the Jupiter II blasts off. In the midst of the robot's attack, the ship veers off course and into the gravitational pull of the Sun, with the only option for the underpowered ship to use the hyperdrive and end up in a random, uncharted part of the galaxy.

Eventually, the ship comes across a "hole in space" and, after entering, encounters an unknown planet, and the Proteus, an abandoned Earth space ship from the future, in orbit. An investigation of the Proteus reveals it is infested with carnivorous spider-like lifeforms, one of which scratches Dr. Smith. To escape the spiders' attack, Don reactivates and overloads the Proteus' engine, with the shockwave from the resulting explosion damaging the Jupiter II and throwing it down to the planet below. On the mysterious planet, Professor Robinson and Major West go out in search of radioactive material to replace the burnt-out half of the ship's core through a strange, growing bubble of unknown origin. They eventually learn that the "holes" and "bubbles" are distortions of time and space, caused by future versions of Will (Jared Harris) and Dr. Smith constructing a time machine in order to return to an earlier time on Earth and prevent the Robinsons from getting lost. They are all betrayed, however, by the future Smith, who has become a hybrid of the alien spiders on the Proteus (which scratched him) and plans to unleash his spider race on an unsuspecting Earth. Robinson battles Spider Smith while Major West returns to the past Jupiter II (without the power source) to evacuate the other Robinsons. John stops Spider Smith by wounding and then opening the eggsac on his back, which frees the baby spiders, who then start to eat Spider Smith. John then pushes Spider Smith into the uncompleted time portal, where he is torn apart by the gravitational field.

Don and the other Robinsons attempt to escape in the past Jupiter II, as the time machine's warping tears apart the planet, but are unable to reach escape velocity and the ship is destroyed by flying debris. Future Will, previously unconvinced off his father's love, finally recognizes his father's deep love for his family and allows him to take his time portal to back before the Jupiter II's attempted escape. Knowing that the escape velocity plan will doom them, John commands West to pilot the ship through the planet's core as it breaks up, using the planet's gravity to propel the ship out the other side and back into space. They escape, but the collapsed planet forms a small black hole that begins to suck the Jupiter II back in. To escape, the Robinsons once again activate the hyperdrive, blasting off again into potentially unknown space.


A sequel was planned but never produced. In it the crew would have finally arrived at Alpha Centauri only to find the Global Sedition had beaten them there (due to the Jupiter II having travelled into the future and not returned). The planet would have been ruled by a military dictatorship with the crew of the Jupiter leading a rebellion to eventually overthrow the government and reestablish contact with the United Global Space Force.


The Multiverse