Marvel Comics Cosmic Entities

The fictional Marvel Universe contains a number of beings in this category that are literally part of the universe, with their existence necessary to provide a certain function. Much like organs provide specific functions for the human body, these entities provide functions for the universe itself. There is no official (known) name for these beings, but they are often referred to as cosmic entities, cosmic beings or abstract entities. Many of them embody some concept or fulfil some essential need, but there are others who are considered within this reference frame simply due to their scale of power, such as the Infinites, Beyonders, Cosmic Cubes, or Watchers. Death is also considered to be a cosmic entity.

Each cosmic being is unique, but they often have the following characteristics in common:
Power greater than that of virtually any mortal being, with extremely rare exceptions. Note, however, that their level of power greatly varies, with some being able to affect the entire space-time multiversal reality. The Living Tribunal, Eternity, Master Order, and Lord Chaos were once referred to as meeting in 16-dimensional space.
No physical form. To visit the material universe they may use 'M-bodies', life-forms created for them by an entity called Anthropomorpho in the 'dimension of manifestations.' The power bestowed upon a manifestation body is said to be directly dependent on how well any given creation is able to 'synchronize' with their assigned entity. Such bodies can also be employed by uniquely prominent physical entities, such as the Stranger or Galactus.
A completely amoral nature, uncaring about anything but their purpose of existence, and frequently to safeguard their Universe (i.e. themselves) from destruction, although some have recurrently displayed personal, or even human-like sentiments, and sometimes are not above remorse. A notable example of this is Galactus; despite his consumption of living planets, he occasionally displays disgust of his mission. In fact, he states that he feels an intense kind of guilt for all the civilizations that he has destroyed, and cannot close his eyes without recalling the ghosts of the beings that have died as a result of his feeding.

In the fourth Eternals limited series, the Dreaming Celestial states that "Every component in the physical Universe is a model/example/function of balance... Every particle/being/concept/action exists in this state of sublime equilibrium to serve [a being known as] the Fulcrum. And when asked by the Eternal Makkari whether "every cosmic being in this Universe is a total tool", replies "Yes. We are all tools of the Fulcrum".

The Marvel Universe versions of the gods of most earthly religions, excepting Christianity, Islam and Judaism, are not cosmic in the traditional sense, although the strongest of them, such as Atum and Odin, can rival or exceed the power of certain cosmic beings, as can the most powerful demons or independent mystic entities such as Zom, Dormammu, Shuma-Gorath, Mephisto, Cthon, or the Vishanti, and, per extension, the sorcerer supreme, Doctor Strange, at times when he channels their full power, but their existence is not necessary for the universe to function. Others pretend to embody existential concepts, but lack the power of the true entities, such as the demon D'Spayre who has claimed to embody despair, but in rare cases, such as Nightmare or Amatsu-Mikaboshi it depends from story to story whether or not they are considered embodiments. Exactly how many true cosmic entities exist is unknown, and more keep being revealed as time passes.

Certain mortal beings such as the Molecule Man, Mad Jim Jaspers, Jean Grey, Franklin Richards, Protégé, Hyperstorm, the Scarlet Witch, Nate Grey and others, have reached universe, or multiverse affecting status.

"The One Above All", an entity that has very rarely been shown to exist, but is the absolute Supreme Being of Marvel Comics.

The Living Tribunal, who in theory is supposed to act as the One Above All's Guardian of the Multiverse enforcer and highest judge of law, but generally stands by even in times of multiversal genocide and according to She-Hulk, herself a lawyer, is gladly willing to wipe out entire universes in favour of ones that it simply likes better. It also enforces the nightmarish Disproportionate Retribution Easy Road to Hell afterlife system.

The Infinites, which are higher-dimensional entities far beyond Eternity, who don't really notice anything that goes on in the lower multiverse except through accident, but aren't malevolent as such.

"The embodiment of the universe" Eternity and his female counterpart Infinity; and their opposites, Death and Oblivion.

Master Order and Lord Chaos, who, in an unusual variation of the trope, usually work together. It's their balancing agent The In-Betweener, who tends to rebel or cause trouble.

The Friendless: Entropy, Eulogy, Epiphany, Empathy, Enmity, Expediency, and Eon, as well as Origin, Anomaly, and Unbeing, and Love and Hate.

The Fountainhead (Dreams/Creativity), Nightmare, King Coma, Madness, D'Spayre, and the Dweller-In-Darkness.
Abraxas, referred to as embodiments of destruction and an antithesis of Eternity; and Mikaboshi, as chaos, void, and nothingness, and also an antithesis of Eternity. Although technically those positions were already taken by Death, Entropy, Chaos, and Oblivion.

The Celestials, a whole race of trans-universal scale entities who guide evolution as a means to produce more Celestials, serve the Fulcrum to balance the universe, or something else. One of the Celestials calls itself the one of above all, but it has no relation to the entity described further up the page.

The Cosmic Cubes (The Beyonder/Kosmos/The Maker, Kubik, The Shaper Of Worlds) who are created by entities outside the normal universe (The Beyonders) as a way to understand our reality.

The Phoenix Force, depending on the Writer alternately the embodiment of life and rebirth, the potential psionic energy of all living beings, or both.

Galactus, a Sufficiently Advanced Alien who is the balancing function between Eternity and Death, which somehow involves a regular high-protein diet of sentient civilisations, and who only occasionally considers that non-sentient stars and cosmic power sources have a much higher energy content. Depending on the Writer Galactus can or cannot feed off of stars or other energy sources. Some stories he can, others he cannot, others those sources work temporarily and sooner or later he needs to feed on a planet. Galactus was later revealed to be the seal on Abraxas, his diet of planetary civilizations is to keep Abraxas from simply killing everything everywhere all at once. The rest were just excuses he came up with to make himself feel better about the whole thing. Heralds of Galactus are granted a small fraction of his power, proven enough to shatter planets, and the Elders of the Universe possess comparative, or in rare cases superior, power, as do certain other elite Marvel superheroes or supervillains, such as Quasar, Thanos, Binary, and Gladiator.

The Stranger, a former aspect of the Tribunal, which it removed to be able to interact with existence, and who has acted as an outsider and cosmic schemer ever since.

Kronos, who was formerly the leader of the Eternals, due to an explosion caused by an experiment gone wrong he lost his physical form and became one with the universe and time allowing him to manipulate it.

The higher forms of extradimensional divinities, such as the Vishanti.

The Faltine, pseudo energy beings of a multidimensional origins. Dormammu and Umar were banished to the main setting for the crime of murdering their father, where they were invoked by foolish magicians and conquered many universes.

Shuma Gorath was later revealed to be just one of The Many Angled Ones, really old seemingly immortal aliens who have fed on the fear of younger species, turned whole planets into killing fields for amusement, sought to eliminate death and left life continue on in a cancerous state and such.

The Watchers, a race of Sufficiently Advanced Aliens who can manipulate cosmic energies on a level with Galactus but have sworn never to interfere. Somehow they have a rivalry with the Celestials, though Uatu (the Watcher normally assigned to Earth and one of the few to qualify as an actual character) specially says that the reasons for and nature of this rivalry would be impossible for humans to comprehend.

Numerous pantheons of largely Jerk Ass Gods. Most of whom are "only" natural parts of the universe, other "dimensions" or "planes" who got a kick out interfering with the development of life. They got kicked out by the Celestials, who felt only they should do that.

Quasar once met Anthropomorpho, the living incarnation of the idea of having living incarnations of abstract concepts. Seriously.

The Elder Gods, who are not the same as the previously described pantheons. They grew from seeds planted by the sentient part of Earth's biosphere to protect the emerging life. Most of them became corrupt and were destroyed by the Demogorge, the only one who remains near Earth, sleeping the in sun. The other known survivors, Set, Gaea, Oshtur, and Chthon, hide away in their own personal dimensions.

Demon lords from a wide variety of origins, though only a select few are actually powerful enough to qualify for this trope. Also a few angels, of whom little is known as they usually only show up when absolutely necessary.

The Elders Of The Universe, life forms from the start of universe who can manipulate energies from the Big Bang and live until they lose the will to. They eventually let anyone join their club if they managed to outlive the rest of their species and their native galaxy, so not every member is this trope: The Grand Master, Runner, Champion and Collector are. Ego The Living Planet was allowed in, claiming to be a Single Specimen Species and then blowing out every star in his galaxy himself.

Korvac is one as is the Sentry/The Void at his most powerful.

The web spinners, who operate in the centre of existence, spinning the fabric of the universe, which connects everyone to everything, writing all of reality, every emotion, thought, word, and deed into the "cosmic web of life". Also "The Great Weaver", which does the same thing while empowering spider totems.

Occasionally, a few of the most powerful "Omega Level" mutants mutate into this trope, such as Nate Grey, who was genetically engineered to become one and Franklin Richards, who has a scale of power on par with the Celestials, can warp reality and create "pocket dimensions". In one alternate future, the son of that universe's Franklin Richards and Phoenix Force host Rachel Summers, Jonathan Richards aka Hyperstorm, ended up as a mutant with complete control over Hyperspace, which gave him power on par with the Celestials. The Fantastic Four eventually beat him by feeding him to Galactus. Then there is Legion, who has thousands of Omega-level powers, including one that lets him rewrite reality and wipe out hordes of Elder Gods. The Scarlet Witch can also rewrite reality on a universal scale, and cause multi-dimensional destructive waves.


Following is a list of known entities;
Aegis (Lady of All Sorrows)
Adam Warlock
Beyonder - Also called Kosmos, Cosmos and Maker
The Celestials
Chaos King
Cosmic Cube
Demogorge the God-Eater
Dreaming Celestial
Ego the Living Planet
Franklin Richards
The Fulcrum
The Horde
Infinity Gauntlet
Mad Jim Jaspers
The Living Tribunal
Lord Chaos
Master Order
Master Hate
Mistress Love
Molecule Man
Nate Grey
Nova Corp
Phoenix Force
Shaper of Worlds
Silver Surfer
Star Brand the Original
Tyrant at original power
The Watchers





Beyond Heroes Cosmic Beings Index