Ocean Cities in the modern world


The majority of underwater cities use blocks of coral, building a framework for the building and encouraging the living coral to grow over the framework. Walls are often of living coral, not cut coral, which helps with the waste disposal problem. Some of the cities are also built around hot vents for warmth in the often freezing oceans depths, as well as for crafting and cooking purposes. Waste biodegrades naturally in the water.

No City Races
1 Pacificus floating city Human
2 Submergia undersea city Human
3 Aotus undersea city Kna, Locathah
4 Lemuria undersea city Lemurian
5 Atlantis undersea city Atlantean
6 Mare Insula undersea city Human
7 Lyonese undersea city Saekonungar (Sea Elf), Sea Sprite, Selkie, Sirine, Homard
8 Peisinoe floating city Human
9 Poseidonis undersea city Mer, Dargon, Sirine, Nixie
10 Ys undersea city Sahuagin, Carapace, Morkoth, Tako
11 Pani Ke Nice undersea city Human
12 Kaitei No undersea city Human
13 Kitezh undersea city Kuo Toa, Kopru, Sharkk
14 Haidi undersea city Human
15 Aman Sinaya undersea city Mer, Dargon, Pahari, Sea Sprite, Turtur
16 Tritonis undersea city Mer, Dargon, Delfin, Sea Sprite, Shalarin
17 Aquatica undersea city Human, Mer, Dargon, Delfin
s12 Star City 12 undersea city Human


Aman Sinaya

Aman Sinaya is as beautiful as it is magical. While the population is mostly Mers, all races can be found here, coexisting more-or-less peacefully. The city can be described as thriving and well-maintained, though also sprawling and eclectic. Aman is the centre of magic, religion, and education for any sea race member. It has a very low crime rate.

Location: North Pacific Ocean, south of the Philippines

Depth: 200 metres

Races: Mers, Dargons, Delfins, Paharis, Sea Sprites, and Turturs

Technology: 4

Culture: Benevolent, more tolerant than standard but still with some violence.

Government: Council

Population: 4,600,000 Mers; 800,000 Dargons; 4,453,320 Delfins; 1,244,140 Paharis; 476,480 Sea Sprites; and 4,250,000 Turturs

Military: 1 million with a fairly even mix of all the races which inhabit the city



Aotus is a city built from coral. To the untrained eye, it looks like nothing more than a fantastic coral reef. It is principally a Locathah city with some Kna inhabitants.

Location: South Pacific Ocean, west of Peru

Depth: 300 metres

Races: Knas, Locathahs

Technology: 2

Culture: Standard. Diversified mix of kind and evil people.

Government: Monarchy

Population: 1 million Locathah and 350,650 Kna

Military: 725,420 Locathah and 275,150 Kna



Aquatica was built by S.H.A.D.O.W. using technology discovered on Shadow Island. At first it was staffed by scientists from Australia and New Zealand but soon after they were approached by emissaries from Aman Sinaya and came to an agreement which would be mutually beneficial to the two cities. With the aid of engineers from Aman, Aquatica was greatly expanded with a portion set aside for undersea races. Today Aquatica has a true mix of above water and under water races.

Location: South Pacific Ocean, east of Australia

Depth: 150 metres

Races: Mers, Dargons, Delfins, Humans

Technology: 7

Culture: Benevolent, more tolerant than standard but still with some violence.

Government: Science Council

Population: 75,000 Mers; 30,000 Dargons; 25,000 Delfins; 22,150 Humans

Military: Aquatica is almost exclusively protected by S.H.A.D.O.W. forces



In 500,000 BC the Harmonic landed on earth and established various refugee bases around the world for those fleeing from the tyranny of the Celestial Alliance. They were careful not to interfere with the native developing races of the world. Among these bases were Atlantis and Lemuria. Unbeknownst to them Atlantis was built on top of the largest ley line in the world. Around 100,000 BC Elves discovered Atlantis and were welcomed with open arms by the Harmonic. They begin retraining in the art of science as well as the more recent art of magic. In 80,030 BC a set of twins were born; Doomslayer and Dreamslayer. Both eventually become Battle Mages but Doomslayer choose to serve Order while Dreamslayer turned to Chaos. Later in 79,990 BC after the loss of the Atlantean Mage King during an invasion by demons, Doomslayer became king. One of his greatest foes were the Lizard Men, who use their shape changing abilities to resemble human beings and infiltrate human civilizations with the intent of conquering them. Doomslayer managed to uncover most of the Lizard Men's plots and had many of them killed. 

Just ten years later Lizard Men sorcerers discovered the Necronomicon, the ancient mystical tome penned by the Elder God Kali. Founding the first Cult of Kali, they began experimenting with the spells contained within, looking for a method to cause their enemies to return from the dead. They were successful in resurrecting them as the first vampires and unleashed them against their greatest enemy, Doomslayer of Atlantis. However Doomslayer proved more powerful than they realised and with Gaea's aid was able to destroy most of the undead. The surviving vampires fled to continental Eurasia. Doomslayer then hunted down and slew all of the Cult except for one. He fled and eventually settled in Eurasia, taking the Necronomicon with him. Over the next few millennia the tome passed through a number of different hands. 

Doomslayer eventually died in 79,920 BC from natural causes. With no apparent successor available a ruling council was elected instead, the first form of democracy. By 71,000 BC Atlantis had begun to slide into decadence and suffered from a number of invasions from the nation of Lizard Men as well as a rapidly cooling climate. Foreseeing that the approaching ice would eventually reach Atlantis, the ruling council had huge glass like domes erected over the city and fortified its foundations. 

70,000 BC saw the final invasion of Atlantis by the Lizard Men. To stop the onslaught, the council opened the magma pits which were the city's main means of heating. The Lizard invaders were all destroyed, but the magma release triggered a seismological cataclysm which caused a series of earthquakes throughout the continent. Atlantis sank into the ocean. In order to save their human allies the Harmonic bestowed various bodily attributes on them enabling them to live indefinitely beneath the sea. The Atlantean Harmonic then relocated to Lemuria.

Hundreds of years later, Atlantean scientists developed a serum that would mutate humanoids, giving them fish-tails instead of legs.

Location: North Atlantic Ocean, north of the Canary Islands near Africa

Depth: 200 metres

Races: Atlanteans

Technology: 7

Culture: Standard. Diversified mix of kind and evil people. The religion of most tribal Atlanteans is pantheistic nature-worship. The state religion of monarchistic Atlantis revere the Greek god of the sea Neptune, who once lived among the Atlanteans two millennia ago. The Atlantean Empire in many ways resemble the ancient Roman Empire at its zenith. Atlanteans subsist on raw fish and seaweed. They are largely a hunter/gatherer society, who have made successful attempts to farm seaweed. In the Atlantean capital, society is stratified so that there is a special guild of hunters and gatherers who provide food for the entire population.

Government: Military Council. The Atlantean government has traditionally been military, with a Council of Elders, who serve as the judiciary and legislative branch of government. Atlantis has a standing militia who perform police functions in times of peace. Although the monarchy of Atlantis claims all Homo Merrmani dwelling in the Atlantic Ocean as its subjects, in actuality the monarchy neither provides services or protection nor demands tribute or recognition from those who live beyond one day's swim from the capital city. Most Homo Mermani continue to live tribally. 

Population: 6,750,000

Military: 2,125,300



Haidi is a mining installation and city built and run by China.

Location: North Pacific Ocean, north east of Micronesia

Depth: 200 metres

Races: Human

Technology: 6

Culture: Standard

Government: Chinese government

Population: 76,000

Military: The city is protected exclusively by the Chinese Navy


Kaitei No

Kaitei No was built by the Japanese government to deal with its overpopulation problem. Part of the city is devoted to scientific research.

Location: North Pacific Ocean, east of Japan

Depth: 100 metres

Races: Human

Technology: 7

Culture: Standard

Government: Japanese government

Population: 121,000

Military: The city is protected exclusively by the Japanese Navy



Kitezh is a Kopru city, a bastion for most of the evil in the ocean. When you need an crime committed under water or black market or stolen goods, Kitezh is the place to go. A city run by organized crime has many villains to protect, and has therefore deemed itself a peace city. It has become the centre of the Kuo Toa Empire, and the greatest enemy of Aman Sinaya.

Location: North Pacific Ocean, east of Russia

Depth: 300 metres

Races: Koprus, Kuo Toas, and Sharkks

Technology: 2

Culture: Malevolent, truly malicious race with little or no redeeming qualities at all. Normally Kuo Toa, Koprus and Sharkks would not live in a city much less mix with each other, but an evil intelligence succumbs any of evil alignment who enter the area into joining the 'community'. The population is almost evenly divided between serving the military and farming duties.

Government: Tribal

Population: 4,545,620 Koprus; 1,561,410 Kuo Toas; and 2,143,000 Sharkks

Military: 2,222,310 Koprus; 742,300 Kuo Toas; and 1,050,000 Sharkks



In 500,000 BC the Harmonic landed on earth and established various refugee bases around the world for those fleeing from the tyranny of the Celestial Alliance. They were careful not to interfere with the native developing races of the world. Among these bases were Atlantis and Lemuria. After Atlantis sank in 70,000 BC the Atlantean Harmonic relocated to Lemuria. Later in 8350 BC a Tsaurid empire battleship arrived on earth attacking all Harmonic bases including Lemuria. Lemuria destroyed the battleship but not before its orbital bombardment caused shockwaves worldwide. With whole continents being swamped by tsunamis, Lemuria, like Atlantis before it sank beneath the waves. The Harmonic in a panic over the amount of life being destroyed broke their own laws regarding experimentation and transformed some humans into water breathers. They were eventually able to reclaim Lemuria and Atlantis.

Location: North Atlantic Ocean, west of Senegal

Depth: 200 metres

Races: Lemurians

Technology: 7

Culture: Paranoid. Diversified mix leaning more to evil and selfishness. The religion of most Lemurians is pantheistic war worship, especially Ares. Lemurians subsist on raw fish and seaweed. They are largely a hunter/gatherer society, who have made successful attempts to farm seaweed. In the capital, society is stratified so that there is a special guild of hunters and gatherers who provide food for the entire population.

Government: Military Dictatorship. The Lemurian government is much more military and rigid than the Atlantean one. Lemuria is ruled with an iron fist by its militia. Its people are suspicious and paranoid. 

Population: 4,000,000

Military: 2,900,520



Lyoneses has a large thriving mine which contains minerals which are rare in the rest of the world. It is home to many sea elves and several other races drawn here by the wealth of the city.

Location: North Atlantic Ocean, west of France, south of the UK

Depth: 200 metres

Races: Saekonungar (Sea Elf), Sea Sprites, Selkies, Sirines, and Homards

Technology: 2

Culture: Standard. Diversified mix of kind and evil people.

Government: Council

Population: 3,000,000 Saekonungar; 345,210 Sea Sprites; 2,700,000 Selkies; 4,600,000 Sirines; and 3,500,170 Homards

Military: 1,000,000 Saekonungar; 100,100 Sea Sprites; 700,000 Selkies; 1,200,000 Sirines; and 750,190 Homards


Mare Insula

Mare Insula was built by the European Union as their answer to Submergia, the principal countries being Germany, France and the United Kingdom.

Location: North Atlantic Ocean, west of Portugal

Depth: 100 metres

Races: Human

Technology: 6

Culture: Standard

Government: Council which reports to the European Union central government

Population: 74,000

Military: The city is protected by the Navies of Germany and the UK



Pacificus was built by a conglomerate of corporations as an attempted tax haven. It was badly damaged by an interdimensional invasion which was beaten back by Omega Factor, Deep 6 and Justice Anonymous. It was then bought at a fraction of its construction cost by the Tomorrow Corporation and is now a major floating science centre.

Location: North Pacific Ocean, west of United States and Canada

Depth: Sea level

Races: Human

Technology: 7

Culture: Benevolent, more tolerant than standard but still with some violence.

Government: Council

Population: 96,000

Military: None though Deep 6 is never far away


Pani Ke Nice

Pani Ke Nice was built by the Indian government as a mining colony.

Location: Indian Ocean, west of India

Depth: 200 metres

Races: Human

Technology: 6

Culture: Standard

Government: Indian government

Population: 81,000

Military: The city is protected exclusively by the Indian Navy



The only true international floating city, Peisinoe was jointly funded by most of the United Nations countries (except Russia and its allies). It has become a major trading hub and transit zone for the European nations and those dealing with them.

Location: North Atlantic Ocean, east of the United Kingdom, north of the Netherlands and west of Norway

Depth: Sea level

Races: Human

Technology: 6

Culture: Benevolent, more tolerant than standard but still with some violence.

Government: Council overseen by the United Nations

Population: 750,000

Military: None though a UK navy is often nearby



Many of the goods sold under the sea come from this city. A land of rough living mermen and women that view their way of life (living with the creatures of the deep) clean and natural, feeling it makes them stronger. All are welcome here except for the hated Sahuagin and Kopru.

Location: The Mediterranean, south of Italy and north of Libya

Depth: 200 metres

Races: Mers, Dargons, Sirines, and Nixies

Technology: 4

Culture: Standard. Diversified mix of kind and evil people.

Government: Council

Population: 2,100,000 Mers; 200,000 Dargons; 2,820,000 Sirines; and 3,000,600 Nixies

Military: About 2 million with a fairly even mix of all the races of the city


Star City 12

Built after the previous Star City 10 was destroyed by the Kopru (after being built too close to Kitezh), and Star City 11 was vaporised by the reappearance of Chi-You Island. This city (like all Star Cities) remains a secret research centre, in this instance the research relates to all things underwater (especially races).

Location: Arctic Ocean, north of Finland

Depth: 200 metres

Races: Humans

Technology: 6

Culture: Hostile

Government: Russian government

Population: 44,000

Military: The city is protected exclusively by the Russian Navy



Submergia is more of a mining city built and run by the United States.

Location: North Atlantic Ocean, south of the United States and east of Mexico

Depth: 200 metres

Races: Human

Technology: 6

Culture: Standard

Government: United States government

Population: 48,000 humans

Military: The city is protected exclusively by the United States Navy



In its early years Tritonis was ruled by a body of mad sorcerers. These sorcerers were eventually wiped out and replaced by saner rulers who sought peace rather than the the endless warfare of their predecessors.

Location: Indian Ocean, north west of Australia and south of Indonesia

Depth: 200 metres

Races: Mers, Dargons, Delfins, Sea Sprites, and Shalarin

Technology: 4

Culture: Standard. Diversified mix of kind and evil people.

Government: Council

Population: 1,200,000 Mers; 500,000 Dargons; 1,150,320 Delfins; 176,400 Sea Sprites; and 3,000,000 Shalarin

Military: About 1 million with a fairly even mix of all the races of the city



Ys is known as a haven for criminals and anyone evil. The population is a mix of several aggresive races, but also full of many archaeological secrets. It is not a city for the weak.

Location: Indian Ocean, east of Kenya

Depth: 300 metres

Races: Sahuagin, Carapaces, Morkoths, and Takos

Technology: 3

Culture: Malevolent, truly malicious race with little or no redeeming qualities at all.

Government: Monarchy

Population: 3,000,000 Sahuagin; 3,666,620 Carapaces; 4,646,130 Morkoths; and 3,646,130 Takos

Military: Almost the entire population



The Aquatic Netbook Beyond Heroes