
Bionics can be special implants placed "in" the body or mechanical replacement limbs. These mechanized limbs are far more than cosmetic prostheses. They are super-sophisticated, mechanical limbs that look and respond like real, flesh and blood appendages. A delicate system of sensors is implanted to react and interact with the body's nervous system. The result is an artificial limb that functions exactly like a real, flesh and blood arm or leg. A true medical miracle. High technology makes it possible to create replacement limbs that far exceed the capabilities of the ordinary body part. Super strength, energy blasters, secret compartments, optics and sensors, can be combined to create a super-man - part flesh, part machine.

Step 1: Attributes
Determine the eight physical attributes. Hit Points, alignment and optional rounding out your character as you would any character. Although a cyborg is still human, if only a partial cyborg (40% or more is a human body), he gets a base SDC of 30, which can be increased through physical training. Mechanical body parts, exoskeletons and bionic body armour are artificial means of adding more SDC protection to cyborgs. The typical bionic limb has an individual
SDC of 40 and each additional point of PS that is purchased adds 2 SDC to the limb.
Step 2: Education
Roll to determine the character's educational level and select skills as usual. The character can have any level of education, from high school to doctorate, without significantly affecting his role as a bionic superhuman.
Step 3: Budget
Automatically receive $10 million and roll on the table below for additional funds. Not all the money need be spent straight away as repairs will be necessary at some point. The money cannot be spent on non bionic equipment,  only cybernetics and related bionics. First decide on which body parts are being replaced with synthetic ones, and second, buy the most important and basic items first, then buy up the gimmicks.
D100 Result
01-30 +$5 million
31-55 +$10 million
56-75 +$15 million
76-90 +$20 million
91-00 +$30 million
Step 4a: Background Conditions for Bionic Reconstruction
I've deleted the Healthy Specimen option from this table because no one psychologically stable would ever agree to lose a healthy limb.
D100 Result
01-25 Lost D4 limbs to disease or injury
26-50 Permanent paraplegic
51-75 Some form of wasting disease with no cure
76-00 Quadriplegic
Step 4b: Sponsoring Organization
Who paid for everything?
D100 Result
01-12 Medical Research Centre
13-24 Private Corporation
25-36 Non Profit Organization
37-48 Government Department
49-60 Gifted scientist working on his own
61-72 Superhero group
73-84 Supervillain group
85-00 Military (but which country?)
Step 4c: Current status with sponsoring organization
Is the character still with his sponsor and how do they feel about each other?
D100 Result
01-08 Still with sponsor and very well treated. Receives favours and a high wage from them of D10 x100 dollars per week.
09-16 Still with sponsor and well treated. Receives a moderate wage from them of D6 x100 dollars per week.
17-24 Still with sponsor and dissatisfied. Treated with disdain by them and receives a minor wage from them of D10 x20 dollars per week. 
25-32 Still with sponsor and treated like a slave. No wage and is constantly watched. Escape will take some planning.
33-44 Sponsor closed down and dumped the character in the wild. 
45-52 Sponsor still exists but has moved onto other experiments or projects. Dumped the character in the wild with all ties broken. 
53-60 Left sponsor on very good terms. May receive favours and freelance work from them.
61-68 Left sponsor on good terms. May receive freelance work from them.
69-76 Left sponsor after fight and is no longer welcome. 
77-84 Left sponsor after a major fight and some injuries. Hunted by them at Difficult level. Want him recaptured. 
85-92 Left sponsor after a major battle and one or more deaths. Hunted by them at Severe level. Want him recaptured. 
93-00 Left sponsor after destroying the facility he was kept at with multiple deaths resulting. Hunted by them at Extreme level unless the GM decides the organisation has suffered too greatly financially, in which case they may only be able to afford to hunt him at Severe or even Difficult level. They want him dead. 


Bionic Equipment
1. Basic Bionic Body
2. Bionic Audio
3. Bionic Visual
4. Bionic Throat and Nose
5. Bionic Skin
6. Bionic Hands and Arms
7. Power Supply
8. Additional Locomotion
9. Additional Features
10. Bionic Weapons

1. Basic Bionic Body
Arm and Shoulder joint PP 10, PS 10, 40 SDC, Cost $45,000. A punch does D8 damage.
Audial Sensor An electronic mike array which cannot pass as a normal ear. $2,000 each.
Both arms, shoulders and collarbones Cost $90,000.
Both legs, hips and pelvis Cost $170,000
Chest and/or Partial Ribs Cost: S600,000.
Ear (basic) Simulates normal ear hearing. Stereo surround sound speaker system with full range radio frequencies including VHF, UHF, CB and ultrasound. Hearing can be amplified to x10 that of a normal human. Due to satellite link range is effectively unlimited. Cost: $100,000.
Ear (fake) $20,000 each. These look like real ears but are artificial.
Eye (basic) Simulates colour optical system which functions identical to human eyes. Cost: $80,000.
Eye (fake) $20,000 each. These look like real eyes but are artificial.
Heart functions like the real thing. Cost: $1 million.
Kidney functions like the real organ. Cost: $1.5 million
Larynx Includes single-voice synthesizer. $18,000.
Leg and hip PS 10, SPD 10, 70 SDC, Cost $85,000. A kick does D8 damage.
Lungs simulate normal respiratory system. Cost: $95,000.
Mouth and Throat with voice synthesizer to simulate a normal human voice. Cost: $250,000.
Neck and skull 40 SDC, Cost $250,000.
Nose $15,000, 50% normal sense of smell.
One Hand P.S. 10. P.P. 10. Cost: S3OO.000.
One Arm P.S. 10, P.P. 10, Cost: $700,000.
One Leg P.S. 10, SPD 10, Cost: $1 million.
Ribcage Cost $290,000.
Skull and/or Face Cost: $500,000.
Spine 30 SDC, Cost $30,000.
Tongue $15,000, full dexterity, 50% normal sense of taste 
Torso Casing +150 SDC, Cost $100,000.
Wi-fi Satellite internet link. Cost: $2000
Full Body Conversion Both arms & shoulders, both legs & hips, collarbones, spine, ribcage, pelvis, torso casing, neck and skull. Torso 180 SDC. $900,000.


2. Bionic Audio

Amplified Audio Adds +6 to initiative, +1 parry, +2 dodge. Can hear quiet speech at 100 metres, stealthy movement at 50 metres, heartbeats at 10 metres. $10,000. Requires at least one Ear or Audio Sensor.
Audio Recording Implant This is for female characters. Implanted in the breast is a digital recording device and the nipple is a microphone. The range of the microphone is quite good as it can hear a small whisper 6 metres away. The character can have the Implant tied into other on-body computer (OBC) implants or the built-in telephone to allow others to hear the conversation happening. This is dangerous however as the signal can be tracked. Cost: $180,000 as a standalone unit; $210,000 to tie it into the OBC and built-in telephone.
Bug Detector Detects any listening devices within a 20 metre radius. Cost: $2000
Directional Audio Treble the range of Amplified Audio, but must be pointed accurately at the sound source. $20,000.
Ears, Animal-like Typically feline or canine ears mounted on the top of the head like an animal. The ears can usually move like a cat or dog, but have no actual audio capabilities unless a radio or other listening or sensor implant is concealed within. Cost: $25,000.
Ears, Pointed May be large or small, Cost double for large. Cost: $15,000.
Language Translator A miniaturized language translator placed right inside the body to facilitate easy communication with the multitude of nonhuman life forms on Rifts Earth. Characters who already have a Headjack or some other type of audio ear implant can have the cyber-translator implant installed at half Cost because it is integrated into that pre-existing system. Starts with 10 different languages to begin with, and eight additional languages
can be added. Level of accuracy is 98.7%. Cost: $200,000
Laser Parabolic Pickup Simply focus the laser on any window of your target's home, office, etc. and hear what's going on. Once the laser hits the window, it instantly reflects back at the unit, which receives the returning laser signal, and gives you the audio from inside. Range of 400 metres. Cost: $600
Noise Filter & Sound Enhancement System Doubles amplified audio and directional audio ranges. $25,000.
Radio Chip (advanced) Usually implanted in the ear or at the base of the skull. The chip is a radio receiver that enables the character to listen to public radio and television bands of transmission. Superior quality and depth of sound. Channels are typically changed using a tiny, hand-held remote control unit or via a computer or monitor jacked into the cybernetic individual.
Most people have it installed for recreational purposes. Cost: $30,000. The chip can be converted to pickup wideband and broadband transmissions, including most police and military bands, for the Cost of +$30,000.
Radio Ear (Basic) A cybernetic ear or implant that enables the character to get all commercial radio stations. Channels are typically changed using a tiny, hand-held remote control channel
changer or portable computer jacked into the character. Can only receive and listen, not transmit. Cost: $10,000
Radio Bandit's Ear This version using broadband, enables the character to receive (listen to) 1000 radio channels and frequencies, including the police band, emergency bands and most common military bands, in addition to most commercial television (can both hear and view TV signals provided a monitor or bionic eyes are available). In addition, the bandit ear can intercept and unscramble coded messages (01-59% success ratio). Channels are changed using a tiny, hand-held remote control channel changer or computer jacked into the character. Those who also have a bionic jaw may get a special jaw unit that can change
channels by grinding the jaw a particular way. Cost: $40,000
Radio & Scrambler Implant An implant with organic circuitry developed by the military that enables the user to interface with a specially modified radio through mental control. For most cyborgs, the short-wave radio will be housed in a compartment on the armoured back. It has a range of 160 kilometres, can broadcast on 800 frequencies and automatically scrambles and decodes all transmissions. It can also send scrambled and coded messages. This implant interferes with psionics, reducing range and duration by 75%. Cost: 80,000 for the implant and an additional 20,000 for the radio.
Sonic Protection Cuts out the audio system when sound exceeds 85 decibels. Blocks out sonic stunners, deafening explosions, etc. $3,000.
Sound Identifier An ear implant that can be programmed to recognize as many as a dozen specific sounds or voices. Used to identify, track and pinpoint a specific vehicle, device or individual by its distinctive sound. An exact sample must be available for programming. This can be done via any audio recording, or by "listening" and recording the sound, live. Cost: 30,000
Surveillance Ear This is an ear accessory that can be combined with a Headjack, Amplified or most bionic and cybernetic ear implants. The Surveillance Ear can be tuned to listen to a specific, hidden listening device ("bug") as well as work something like a stethoscope or parabolic dish in which the character can press his ear to a wall or door to hear a muffled but relatively clear conversation on the other side. The eavesdropping character can hear the conversation clearly, tell how many people are speaking, etc. However, if listening intently the individual is not likely to hear or notice somebody sneaking up on him (the listener is -2 on initiative and anyone prowling toward him is +10% to do so).
Telephone Jack (connector) Can "jack" into telephone lines to use them for free or to eavesdrop on the conversations
of others. To do the latter, the eavesdropper must tap into the specific line. A surprising number of local telephone and local internet (regional) services are available at high-tech cities and at least half of the 'Burbs. The other parties, however, hear a double clicking sound every 4D6 seconds, or a slight buzz throughout the conversation while the unseen listener is tapped into the line. Those in the know, may suspect their call is being monitored when they hear these sounds. Cost: 800; must be added to an existing ear implant.
Ultrasonic Audio Permits the detection of very high-frequency sounds such as stealthy footsteps, some machinery, moving clothes & equipment, and ultrasonic transmissions up to 100m distant. $11,000.


3. Bionic Visual

Camera Eyeball The character uses the muscles around the eyesocket to focus, adjust, and “snap” pictures with this tiny eyeball digital camera. It’s a good imitation of a normal eye. passing even a close inspection 95% of the time. Cost: $10,000.
Container System Eyeball This is a general purpose hiding place with only one "control” it can open up the iris to release its contents. Can be used to hold powders, liquids, gas. or any relatively small object. Removed from the socket, it can be opened by unscrewing along the orb’s equator. It’s fairly realistic, fooling people about 75% of the time. Cost: $5,000.
Eye Cat Almond, feline shape, look and colour, otherwise ordinary 20/20 vision. Cost: 15,000 for each lifelike cybernetic eye, 25,000 credits for each Bio-System eye.
Eyes, Mood Eyes or Changing Eyes Lifelike cybernetic eye with 20/20 vision but no special powers other than the eyes can change 2-8 different colours to reflect the wearer's moods. Cost: 12,000 for lifelike cyber-eye and 400 per each colour it can change to.
Flare Protection Transmits no blinding light levels. $4,000.
GPS Satellites orbiting the earth can track a person's whereabouts anywhere on earth within 10 metres accuracy. Lightweight and portable, the GPS can be detached and hidden in a jacket, briefcase, purse or backpack, to accompany you anywhere added personal protection is needed. The GPS receiver can be easily installed and can be activated by the push of a button to send out an alarm at the first sign of danger. The signal immediately alerts a monitoring station where high resolution full colour maps can be viewed on a computer screen to pinpoint the victim's location in a matter of minutes. Receiving printed reports and data analysis is easy, as well as generating information to aid in the rescue. Cost: 5000
IR/UV Vision This is not seeing heat levels it appears as monochrome vision. Range 300 metres. Functions as night vision outside, or with the aid of an IR or UV illuminator. $6,000.
Laser Rangefinder Improves aiming, +1 strike. Range 2000 metres. $25,000.
Low Light Vision Monochrome night vision to 600 metres. $8,000.
Military Multi-Optic System Flare protection, telescopic, low light, laser rangefinder. $40,000.
Radius Vision 4 additional eyes permit 360-degree radius vision. Adds +2 initiative. $75,000.
Retinal Image Eyeball Designed for one, and only one, purpose. To get around retinal camera security devices. A
"foolproof way of checking identities is to photograph a person's retina (the back of the eyeball, what a doctor is looking at when peering into a patient's eye). A person's retina is just as unique as a fingerprint and far more difficult to fake. Of course, with this eyeball attachment, fooling the retina camera is simple. In addition, the character can use the eyeball to photograph the retina of any other cooperative, captured, or unconscious character. Just pop out the eyeball, put it in front of the other character’s eye, “snap” the image, and pop it back in. The eye is set up to “remember" 24 different retina patterns. The eyeball looks real, fooling careful observers 96% of the time. $30,000.
Searchlight 6,000,000 Candlepower, Night Vision and Video Compatible. The Searchlight can be remotely connected and operated at distances up to 100' from the battery or other appropriate sources. Detection of the light source is approximately fifteen degrees off the centre beam axis when viewed from a distance of 500' or more. It can be fixed to a body location and given a swivel rotation. Cost: $3000
Sphere Vision 8 additional eyes permit vision in all directions, including up and down. Adds +6 initiative. $190,000.
Targeting Sight This is a feature that can be added to any of the mechanical eyes. Cross-hairs are superimposed over the visual image to help focus on a specific target area. Adds a bonus
of +1 to strike when using any weapon. Cost: $4,000
Telescopic Vision Enhancement Magnification up to 100x. $12,000.
Thermal Imaging The unit is capable of detecting changes in temperature radiated by objects over 500 feet away. While able to sense the infrared radiation emitted by objects warmer than 0 degrees, the instrument is particularly sensitive to the heat which is radiated by humans and animals. The relative intensity of the infrared radiation coming from the object, as compared to the background, is indicated on the LED bargraph display in the rear panel. The number of red LEDs will change according to target size, temperature, and distance. Temperature changes of 1 degree centigrade can be detected. The sensitivity is adjustable to allow for use indoors or outdoors. By scanning the walls or ceilings of a structure, the unit can monitor the temperatures to indicate concealed concentrations of heat. Excessive heat in the electrical wiring or lighting fixtures can be found and voids in thermal insulation located. Cost: $3000
Underwater Eye The cornea is designed to automatically distort when submerged underwater, enabling it to compensate to the new watery environment without need of goggles or other eye protection. The character can see with crystal clarity underwater and in low light depths of up to 200 metres. The eye also contains a self-replicating oil that is automatically released
into the eye whenever the water is murky or bright with sunlight. The oil droplets are haze filters which reduce glare from sunlight and filter out reflections and haze from tiny debris particles floating in the water, allowing for quality vision. The oil droplets are also released above water when exposed to bright light, creating a natural and instant filter/sunglasses effect, reducing glare (not as good as polarized vision, but equal to a cheap pair of sunglasses). 20/20 vision. Choice of eye colour. Cost: $35,000; $65,000 for a pair if purchased at the same time.
Video-Nerve Interface Eyeball Designed to send signals to the character's brain along the optic nerve. It does not replace sight, but instead provides a crude monochrome (black and white) picture of the world. However, it can be fitted with some of the special optics listed under eye augmentation
options. The lens is fixed, the rest of the eyeball looks somewhat machine-like, and there’s a good chance (80%) that anyone looking closely at the character will spot the phoney eye. Getting this eyeball also involves surgically implanting a special nerve interface, so it’s impossible to use anyone else's Video-Nerve Interface Eyeball. Cost: $30,000
Video Recording Implant Implanted in the breast is a digital recording device and the nipple is a small camera lens. The range of the video is within normal eyeshot. Cost: $205,000.


4. Bionic Throat and Nose

Anti-Toxin and Super Digestive System The character can eat any organic substance without harm and can squeeze every ounce of nutrition out of it to boot. Bonuses: +4 to saves vs. ingested poison and only needs to eat about half as much food, and food for this cyborg can include grass, leaves, tree bark, roots, rotting garbage, spoiled meat, and so on. Cost: 50,000
Bomb Detector The unit sniffs out the vapour of a bomb - an invisible, undetectable vapour that's continuously emitted from explosives. If suspicious gasses are present in the air, an alarm light will instantly illuminate. But only when the vapour is truly explosive, will the light be joined by an audible tone. Only 2 minutes after the alarm is received, the unit is warmed up and ready to operate. A single switch then activates the system and in as little as one second, an explosive can be located. Cost: $7000
Broad Spectrum Digestive Requires replacement digestive. Can digest wood, grass, or rotting organic material. +8 to save vs. ingested poisons. $75,000.
Gills These are surgically installed on the sides of neck of the recipient. They transfer oxygen straight to the blood stream from water, allowing them to breathe indefinitely underwater. Cost: $10,500
Inhaled Toxin Filter +6 to save vs. inhaled toxins. Requires replacement respiratory system. $40,000.
Internal Bio-Monitor Comes with optional external readout under a brightly marked panel. $20,000. People don't realise that it's *hard* to determine the medical condition of an injured cyborg! You can't go by pulse, or lividity, or pupillary response.
Iron Jaw The lower jaw and teeth are obviously mechanical, giving the cyborg a rather robotic, often disturbingly metal-skeleton look to his lower jaw and mouth. Usually done to evoke fear. Damage Bonuses: +D6 SDC damage to bite attacks.
Larynx Manipulator This electronic device is surgically implanted onto the character’s vocal cords. The device itself actually stretches or contracts the cords, thereby changing the character’s natural speaking voice. By manipulating the larynx, the character can imitate any other voice with 80% reliability. Using some kind of sonic analysis machinery (a microphone, a tape recorder and an oscilloscope), the character can “fine tune” the vocal cords to raise the chance of success to 90%. Combining the Larynx Manipulator with the Imitate Speech skill brings the success rate up to 98%. Note: That the chances of fooling someone over a radio or telephone is easier than trying to do it in person. Cost: $75,000. Bonus: Adds + 10% to impersonation skill and + 5% to disguise skill.
Long-Term Nutrient Tank Requires replacement digestive. Can survive on only 100 ml of water a week, replacing loss from the recycling system. 4-week supply of nutrient. $25,000.
Loudspeaker Amplifies voice up to 120 decibels. Cost: $2000
Nasal Filters This is simply a small filter system inserted into the nose and organically fused into place. It provides a +5 to saves vs. air borne toxins/ drugs. Must be replaced once a year. Cost: $1600
On-Board IRMSS This device services only the cyborg itself. $45,000.
Oxygen Storage Tank Lasts 8 hours for most cyborgs, 32 hours for FC cyborgs. $75,000.
Replacement Vital Life-Support Systems Cyborgs normally retain all these vital organs, along with their brain. Players may choose to replace them anyway.
Glandular $160,000
Digestive $20,000
Respiratory $50,000
Cardiac $70,000
Ultrasonic Transmission Can choose to speak and be audible only to those with ultrasonic audio sensors, or dogs, to a range of 100m. $11,000.
Voice Mimicker This can be used to mimic someone else's voice perfectly, including the gender. However there must be a recording of the desired voice in order to be able to copy it. Cost: $10,000
Voice Modulator This unit has eight voice masking levels and is compatible with all telephones and office systems, this unit will also work on conference calls. Cost: $300
Wall Probe Detect and monitor sounds through virtually any surface. The probe delivers clear, undistorted sound through walls, windows, metal, air ducts, plumbing, conduit and more. Intended for bomb detection training and testing, this device can also be connected to standard recorder and other measurement equipment. Cost: $500


5. Bionic Head

Adjustable Hair Follicles The character’s scalp is imbedded with thousands of tiny artificial hairs. These have
three important properties. First, they can be retracted or extended for a change of up to two inches in hair length. This hair length must be tailored to the characters specific needs. For example, a male character might want a range from one half inch (a crew cut) to two and one half inches (neat conservative hair cut).
The second feature of the adjustable hair is it's ability to take colour. Unmodified, the artificial hair is pure white, but just about any commercial hair dye can be used to darken the hair to any desired colour.
Finally, the actual shape of the hair can be changed. This is important because the shape of each individual hair follicle determines the type of hair. Perfectly round hairs are very
thick and straight (like most Orientals). Hairs with an oval cross-section are curly. Fat ovals make the hair wavy, but skinny ovals result in curlier hair. Hairs that are totally flat, almost like ribbons, make for tight kinky curls (like most Africans). The shape of the adjustable hairs can be controlled so the character can have any of these types of hair. A mere five minutes is needed to change completely from one hair type to any other. Cost: $160,000. Bonus: Adds + 10% to disguise skill.
Air and Surface Temperature Reader The skin precisely measures bot and cold temperatures emanating from objects or areas, provided the surface is not so hot as to bum the skin or sensor. In the case of extremely hot items, such as a cooking grill, stove top, engine, campfire, etc., the temperature can be taken by placing the hand with the sensor near the heat source or item. This can be extremely useful in telling, for example, if an engine has been recently used (if hot it
has been, if warm not long ago and cold means not in hours). Therefore this sensor helps to tell how old a campfire may be, whether a weapon has been recently fired, or in locating a heat source, etc., as well as measure the air temperature around the character. Range is limited to touch or about 20 centimetres from the heat subject. Remember that touching something that is extremely hot will damage/burn even a cybernetic hand just as it would a normal flesh and blood hand. Cost: $5,000
Beacon with Hair Antenna A small transmitter implanted under the scalp with an antenna that looks exactly like one of the hairs of the user. To activate, a Morse code like password is tapped with the teeth. A slight tingling sensation indicates it is on. The beacon not only transmits the user's location up to 16 kms away, but, using the teeth tapping code, can also relay information from the user. It cannot receive transmissions, only send. Can also be followed by a bug tracking system keyed to its frequency. A Signal Booster increases the range as per that
item. Cost: 2,000
Bio-Electric Wrinkle Manipulator Allows the character to change the wrinkling of the face by compressing or stretching the skin. The range of settings varies from a youthful, unlined look, all the way to that of a massively wrinkled ancient. The full range of changes takes just one melee round. Cost: $100,000.
Chipjack This device allows a bionic character to perform skills that he or she does no know. A character can have only one chipjack that holds 10 datachips. The datachips are interchangeable which means the character may have more that 10 datachips but never more than 10 datachips operating at on time. It takes one melee to change a datachip and 5 minutes of processing time to actives the datachip. The chipjack is usually implanted on the inner arm just above the wrist or side of the head. Cost: $800,000 for chipjack. Datachip Cost: First Level: $60,000, Second Level: $100,000, Third Level: $150,000
Cybernetic Cellular Phone This is a standard cellular phone implanted in the jaw bone. The character can make and receive telephone calls anywhere service is available. Conversations can be held and the phone dialled without notice to observers. Note that sensitive radio/electronic detectors will notice the signal. This boosts the range of the Cyber-Modem to the range of the phone. Cost: 150,000
Eyelid Compression Device Tiny hydraulic pumps inflate and deflate the small sacks around a character’s eyelids. These are used to change the appearance of the eyes from a flat, round-eyed, Caucasian look, all the way to a full oriental epicanthic fold (what some would call “slant eyes”). Basically the eyes of the character can match any race. Cost: $45,000. Bonus: Adds +10% to disguise skill.
Facial Silicon Layer The character can manipulate their own facial features. They start by pushing a sack of softening formula, usually located just under the ear, which releases a chemical and spreads it through the silicon. Ten minutes later the character can use fingers or a full face mould to change their features. Cheekbones, chin, nose, lips and jawline are all changeable. Once the new face is finished, when the manipulation stops, then the silicon will automatically start to harden. Twenty minutes later the character will have a new face that looks and feels completely normal. Note: Imitating someone else’s face is never perfect. The chances of detection depend on two things, the familiarity of the observer with the original owner of the face, and the way the shaping is done. The facial silicon layer is really three layers, one protecting the natural skin, one of silicon, and the outer layer of realistic looking artificial skin. Note that the skin colour, hair and other features will have to be changed using normal makeup, not by using other devices. Cost: $200,000.
Hair Mechanics Also known as "Cyber-Hair/' is the substitution of real hair with obviously fake, metallic or mechanical hair. May include thin or heavy chains, cascading metallic or plastic scales or hoops, straight or curled wire, hooks, metal balls, and even colourful fibre-optic illuminated filaments, among always has a high-tech, robotic or metallic look. Cost: 3000. Rich and Ornamental (i.e., made of precious metals and gems, more like wearing jewellery than hair): 10,000.
Dataplug/Headjack This is a special jack or port implanted in the base of the skull behind the ear. The data plug is connected to the character's brain at key areas to allow input from the jack to transfer information, pictures, sounds, and other sensory input from outside sources to be carried to the brain directly. Other connections to the data plug allow the character to send output through the jack so that devices or equipment plugged into the jack can be controlled mentally. The most common uses for this system are entertainment (especially interactive video), computer operation, navigation, and communications. The cyberlinking that headjacks provide makes them a very useful tool for computer operators, especially those who wish to commit computer crimes. Using headjacks for illegal purposes is typically referred to as cyberjacking. Anybody using a headjack gains a +10% bonus to any skill involving computer operation, navigation, reading sensor systems or other computer, audio or video systems. Cost: 14,000
Internal Comp-Calculator A tiny computerized calculator usually connected to a Headjack, ear implant or artificial eye. The computer responds to spoken, radio or computer transmitted mathematical equations. The answer is transmitted through the Headjack, ear or eye implant. Cost: 1000
Melanin Release Device This implanted device is designed to release melanin into the character's skin, thereby
changing the skin colour. The results are a skin tone that can range from albino white all the way to a pure black. Useful steps in between are freckled Caucasian, light yellow Asiatic (Japanese), dark yellow oriental (Mongolian), dusky brown (Indian-Hindu), and dark brown (American Black). The change from one colour to another takes a full 8 hours. Cost: S60.000. Bonus: Adds +10% to disguise skill.
Olfactory Boost This implant provides the equivalent of the super ability of Heightened Sense of Smell. Cost: $400,000
Pain Editor This cybernetic implant causes the character to no longer feel pain from wounds. The character is invulnerable to shock from damage, pain checks, and torture involving pain. Cost: $1.2 million
Radio Encrypter This encryption product ensures your e-mail, voice, fax, and data communications are secure. Cost: $3000


6. Bionic Hands and Arms

Additional Arm and Shoulder Joint Slightly smaller than primary arms. A single arm adds +1 parry, each additional pair of arms +1 attack/melee, +1 strike & parry. A cyborg needs an IQ of 14 to cope with an additional arm or pair of arms (a cyborg with an IQ of 21 or more can have 2 additional, which is the maximum). $90,000 for 1 arm, $150,000 for a pair. Stats identical to standard bionic arms.
Additional PP $10,000 per point, per arm. Maximum 24.
Additional PS $2,000 per point, per limb. All artificial limbs (arms AND legs) must match. If the character has only a single bionic arm, the PS limit is 18 (if character's natural PS exceeds 18, limit is the lower of their PS and 30). If the character has bionic legs, hips, pelvis, torso casing and spine, the PS limit for bionic arms is 40.
Additional SDC Arm SDC is $200 per point. 
Chest SDC is $500 per point. 
Exoskeleton SDC is $500 per point. 
Hand SDC is $100 per point. 
Leg SDC is $300 per point. 
Skull SDC is $400 per point.
No upper limit on SDC although weight will increase accordingly.
Blood Analysis/tox-Screen Special sensors and implants in the hand enable it to do a basic screen for the most common toxins and blood anomalies (Le., too much or too little insulin, sugar, cholesterol, white and red cell count, poison, etc.). The subject's blood to be tested must physically touch the area of the hand (may be a particular finger or area of the palm) to do the analysis. Can also indicate whether the sample is of a human, animal, or unknown (alien) blood type. Cost: 30,000
Built-in Grapple and Line Hand contains a grapple that can be ejected. It’s attached to a super tough, very thin,
light weight 20 metre line. Also built into the hand is a motorized spool for retracting the line. This is strong enough to haul 250 pounds. Cost: $3,500.
Climb Cord Similar to the garrotte wire, this is a 3 metre length of 225 kgs test cord, no thicker than string, that can be pulled out of an artificial wrist or arm. The cord is primarily used by thieves for prowling and climbing around. The length isn't long, but can be used to loop
around projections to steady oneself or scale walls. A favourite ploy of thieves is to use the cord to avoid authorities by dangling, unseen, under a balcony or above, from a pipe.
A weight can be attached and used as a chain-type weapon for D6 SDC damage or a small grappling hook can be attached for climbing. Cost: 1,500
Climbing System There are two versions of this system: Chemical and mechanical.
The chemical system uses small ports in the hands and feet to excrete a resin that bonds to just about anything. Adjacent ports secrete an almost instant neutralizer that breaks the bond of the resin (any residue will evaporate within minutes). The bionic character climbs by moving one limb, then attaching it, then moving another, and so on. This version has little chance of falling, but is slow to use, reducing movement to 1/4 normal.
Cost: 125,000 credits. Climbing bonus: Can scale smooth, sheer walls and hold onto the side of moving spacecraft and vehicles; +20% to the climbing skill.
The mechanical system mimics that of many insects by lining the hands and leet with hundreds of super strong filaments (retractable, of course). The hair-like filaments help grip nearly any surface, much the same way a fly does and greatly aid in climbing. It is much cheaper than the chemical system, but does not have the same level of adhesive power. Thus, when climbing rope, cable or an elevated surface, the character is +10% to his climb skill and climbing is done at hall his running speed. However, a penalty -10% is applied instead of any bonuses when climbing a sheers, smooth surface. Cost: 75,000. Bonus: Adds +10% to climbing skill
Container Hand Although it looks like the real thing, right down to the adjustable fingers, it’s actually a hollow shell used for transporting and hiding small objects. The Container Hand can not be used for fighting or handling tools and weapons. The hand is not mobile, it can just be bent into any natural position. Touching the hand will instantly reveal it to be artificial, but there’s a 70% chance of it appearing real from a distance. SDC 40. Cost: $2,000.
Depth Gauge An implant popular among SCUBA divers, deep-sea explorers and fishermen. The implant measures the ocean's depth and water pressure. It vibrates when entering dangerous depths, and is hooked to an ear implant or radio chip and transmits a "pinging" sound for every foot of depth travelled and an audio (or HUD to artificial eyes) statement of depth at every 3 metres. A warning sounds when entering dangerous depths. Cost: 4000
Directional High Pressure Fluid Spray Effective range 20 metres. Must be combined with chemical supply (see above by standing in at least knee-deep water it can be refilled or pumped directly). This can be used as a fire hose, or to spray gas, or for nastier tricks. $5,000.
Epidermic Analyzer Molecular analyzers in the hand identify and measure the amount of salt, sugar and powerful enzymes or chemicals by touching a person's skin and/or perspiration. It can also measure the patient's body temperate by touch (touch for 30 seconds). Cost: $35,000
Epidermal Temperature Gauge Basically the hand or a specific finger can take a person's body temperature by simply touching the subject on the neck, head or armpits. Cost: $1,000
Extension Arm Both the upper and lower arms can be extended up to three times their normal length. Strength matches that of the character. SDC is 40. The arm does not look normal but can be hidden under a sleeve with only a 15% of detection by an observer. Cost: $18,000
External Attachment Hand A stripped-down device that looks like a metal or plastic connection plug (which it is). All types of common modified weapons and tools can be easily plugged in. Thus, the hand can become an electric drill, screw driver, saw, motion detector, pistol, sub-machinegun,
crossbow, sword, and so on. Switching hand attachments is quick, about 30 seconds. This device looks nothing like a normal hand, it has no fingers and looks like a mechanical device in place of a hand. The connecting device has a power pack with enough energy to last about two hours with constant use. Six hours is needed to recharge via any conventional electrical outlet. Cost: The hand unit is $5,000. Attachments run about $300 to modify plus the Cost of item.
Finger Camera A tiny digital camera that fits inside the tip of one finger. For those hands without natural fingers, like the claw or external attachment hand, it’s just attached to the outside. Cost: $600.
Finger Light An adjustable flashlight is built into the last joint of one of the fingers, or, if used with the Base Hand, into a detachable joint. Covered, with the artificial skin still on, the finger glows redly. Removing the skin-like, lens cap, allows for the use of the light as a pencil-thin beam or as a diffused room light. Lasts for up to 2 hours, can be recharged at a standard outlet in 6 hours. Cost: $400.
Fingertip Silicon As with the facial layer, this is used to shape the loops and whirls of the fingertips. The softening agent must be injected and the tip should either be changed with a mould of the new prints (taken from the actual fingers of the original), or with a delicate sculpting that will take fine tools and at least an hour's work. Prints formed with a mould are 99% reliable. Prints made by sculpting are usually based on pictures of fingerprints and are usually 90% reliable. Note that this feature can be installed on a cyberhand attachment. Cost: $10,000.
Gas Finger Joint Usable only with the Base Hand. This is one joint of an artificial finger. It’s filled with concentrated tear gas and is designed to explode on impact. Easy to detach and toss. Cost: $100 each.
Gyro-Compass A device that can be implanted almost anywhere on the body. It enables the user to always locate North and the other directions, as well as up and down. Ideal for pilots of aircraft and power armour as well as underwater operations. Data can be transmitted as an audio report through an ear implant or to a wristwatch-like receiver, cybernetic eye, and/ or computer screen, but the latter requires a Fingerjack or Headjack. Cost: 600
Heat Sensor Only the Neural Interface Hand can be used for direct sensing, all others will have an audio buzzing signal. The heat sensor signals a dangerous amount of heat automatically. It's also possible for the character to “scan” objects and areas up to 15 metres away. Cost: $6,000.
Hydraulic Lifting System A system of powerful hydraulics are installed in the arms, shoulders, and back, enabling it to carry 300 times its total PS attribute and lift 500 times its PS. The system is not suitable for uses other than raw heavy lifting; in fact, if a character lifts a light object (less than carry 200x or lift 300x) using the system he will lose control of his strength and either overbalance or toss the object into the air. Cost of Lifting System: $250,000
Interchangeable Hand Units Grip is equal to a P.S. 40.
Electromagnetic Clamp, a two finger claw. Cost: $90,000.
Buzz-Saw, does 306 damage as weapon. Cost: $10,000.
High-Powered Drill, has 40 different bits (can do 206 damage). Cost: $10,000.
Police Style lock Release Gun, 75% effective. Cost: $150,000.
Towline and grappling hook launcher. Reel system allows the rewinding the 100 metre cable. Cost: $25,000. Weight limit of towline: 10,000 lbs
Acetylene Torch: Cuts through two inch (5 cm) thick metal at a rate of one inch (2.5 em) per melee (15 seconds). Cost: $20,000. Range: One foot (30 cms). Damage as a weapon is D6.
Laser Scalpel Finger One of the fingers is really a laser scalpel used for surgery. Maximum damage is D4 SDC points of damage. Cost: 5,000
Metal Detector Usually built into a prosthetic hand or forearm. By waving the arm over an area or a person's body, it will detect metal fragments, coins, concealed weapons, and bionics. This device does have a limited range of two feet and items covered in synthetic or real flesh only have a 10% chance of detection. Cost: 4,500
Micro-Manipulator Hand Comes equipped with tiny manipulators for delicate electronic and other micro-scale work. Using this hand’s 14 appliances, means being able to work without a clamp, pliers, screwdriver, wrench, soldering iron, or most common tools. It has 40 SDC. Using the
Micro-Manipulator adds +10% to most skills that involve wiring or small tools. Cost: $25,000
Plug-in Hand-Held Monitor A simple hand-held view screen that can plug into any of the 'Borg's jacks to get a complete readout of the bionic systems (to see what's working and what's not or to get Bio-Comp stats, etc.). In the alternative, the monitor can be used to read data collected by the cyborg's sensors, the person with the monitor sees everything (data stream) the cyborg sees. Cost: 1,000 per unit.
Pulse and Pressure Detector By simply squeezing and holding a patient's wrist or finger for a minute, the doctor can accurately measure the character's pulse rate. By squeezing, holding and slowly releasing the wrist, the doctor can also measure the patient's blood pressure. Cost: $25,000
Radar Sensor A warning is transmitted whenever the sensor detects that it is being scanned by radar. Unfortunately, the level of accuracy is only 68% (roll percentile dice) for determining
direction. Cost: 2,000
Radiation Sensor Detects and measures the amounts of harmful types of radiation and warns its owner. Includes nuclear, atomic, and microwave radiation. Data may be transmitted to an ear implant, cybernetic eye or wristwatch style monitor. Most usually sound an audio warning as well as a visual transmission display, and some even tick like a Geiger counter, getting
louder and faster as the radiation level increases. Cost: 1,200
Remotely Operated Detachable Hand The hand is actually a remote-controlled scout. It can only crawl (SPD 5) or jump (up or across, maximum 1 metre). It has a monocular video and basic audio listening system. 10 MD of damage will destroy it, and it cannot be armed. Control is via a coded short-range radio (range 200m) and it is powered by a battery which lasts for up to 4 hours of continuous movement. $30,000.
Retractable Climbing Claws These claws are large and fold back onto the rear of the hand. While primarily for climbing (+20% climb) they can inflict serious damage (3D4 SDC). $8,000.
Sound Recorder This digital recorder can be fitted inside of any of the artificial hands. Can be controlled
directly by the character or set to record automatically when audible voices are detected. Cost: $1,200.
Stethoscope Feature This feature can only be used in conjunction with one of the cybernetic or bionic ear implants or a universal Headjack and receiver. The doctor can use his hand or ear like a stethoscope, placing it on the patient's chest or back and listen to his heartbeat and/or breathing. Cost: $10,000
Suction Grip Whichever section of the use its attached to can cling to any surface (except loose rocks, ice or any other slippery surface). Cost: $1000 each.
Tactile Boost This is a cybernetic enhancement which heightens the sense of touch. Provides abilities equal to the super ability of Heightened Sense of Touch. Cost: $425,000
Tentacles With Retractable Housing Tentacles can be used to replace regular arms or utility arms. A full-sized tentacle arm replacement can extend out and has a three lingered claw at the end. The claw, two fingers and a thumb, is suitable for grasping, holding, and carrying, but not very adept at more articulated skills such as operating a keyboard or delicate work. As many as six tentacles can be used in the place of arms. Or four tentacles in addition to the two regular arms can be used.

Type I: 6 metre length, 4D4, SDC 50. Cost: $50,000 each.
Type II: 10 metre length, SDC 100. Cost: $100,000 each.
Type III: 20 metre length, SDC 150. Cost: $150,000 each.
Type IV: 15 metre length, electrical charge doing D4, D6, D10, D12 or D20, SDC 100. Cost: $200,000 each

Universal Finger Jack This is a special connector or jack built into one of the fingers, allowing the character to plug directly into most sophisticated computers, audio and sensory equipment, radios t video systems, microphones and even conventional items such as CD players. A tiny receiver is inserted into the ear and linked to the Finger Jack to receive audio transmissions from the jack. Cost: 10,000
Wired Reflexes This cybernetic implant can only be added to normal arms and legs, not bionic ones. It adds +6 to PP. Cost: $1,900,000


6. Bionic Feet and Legs

Additional Arm and Shoulder Joint Slightly smaller than primary arms. A single arm adds +1 parry, each additional pair of arms +1 attack/melee, +1 strike & parry. A cyborg needs an IQ of 14 to cope with an additional arm or pair of arms (a cyborg with an IQ of 21 or more can have 2 additional, which is the maximum). $90,000 for 1 arm, $150,000 for a pair. Stats identical to standard bionic arms.
Additional PP $10,000 per point, per arm. Maximum 24.
Additional PS $2,000 per point, per limb. All artificial limbs (arms AND legs) must match. If the character has only a single bionic arm, the PS limit is 18 (if character's natural PS exceeds 18, limit is the lower of their PS and 30). If the character has bionic legs, hips, pelvis, torso casing and spine, the PS limit for bionic arms is 40.
Additional SDC Arm SDC is $200 per point. 
Chest SDC is $500 per point. 
Exoskeleton SDC is $500 per point. 
Hand SDC is $100 per point. 
Leg SDC is $300 per point. 
Skull SDC is $400 per point.
No upper limit on SDC although weight will increase accordingly.
Additional SPD $500 per point, per leg. Both legs must match. Maximum for bipedal cyborgs without artificial spines and arms is 50. Maximum for bipedal full conversion cyborgs is 176. 
Hydraulic Leaping System A system of powerful hydraulics can be installed in the bionic legs (must be at least 2), for use in leaping or jumping. These hydraulics are not suitable for use as attribute enhancers; they can only provide a simple powerful thrust used for leaping. When used as part of a leap attack they provide a damage bonus of +10 to physical attacks. The system provides 10,000 ft-lbs of kinetic energy: To obtain the maximum possible height (straight upwards) divide this kinetic energy by the weight (in pounds) of your robot. The maximum horizontal distance possible is about twice the maximum height. Adds 28 lbs to weight of robot. Cost of Leaping System: $50,000


7. Power Supply

Battery Power Supply For bionic limb requirements, a cell providing power for 24 hours of continuous use Costs $10,000 per limb (and head), and $15,000 to power a torso casing. A recharge Costs $9,000.
Internal Combustion System This system burns hydrogen. The tank is sufficient for 32 hours of continuous use. $25,000.
Miniature Fusion Reactor $1 million per year of life.
Super-Solar Power Plant A full charge lasts 24 hours and the plant is 50% efficient (i.e. 1 hour of charge for each 2 hours in sunlight). The base system Costs $100,000. A recharge from a power terminal Costs $9,000.


8. Additional Locomotion

Aerial Jet Thrusters A jet propulsion system can be installed, found either in the legs or the lower back. With just a thought, the individual can hover or fly at a high speed. Unless the character also has the Internal Power Supply feature, the running time of the jet thrusters, between
fuelling, is extremely short. In order to operate the jet system, the character must have the Pilot Jet Pack skill. Maximum Speed: 120 mph (192 km). Engine: Liquid fuel supply or nuclear engine. Range: 120 miles (192 km) if liquid fuel powered. Effectively unlimited with nuclear power supply except that the thrusters need cooling after 800 miles (1280 km). Cost: 65,000
Folding/Detachable Wings These have a 10 metre wingspan and fold into 3m x 1m wide fins.

Standard Wings: A pair of super light wings up to max weight limit of 250 lbs, not counting wings. Wing SDC: 75 each. Weight: 30 lb. Speed: 200 MPH.
Cost: $400,000 + $75,000 per extra 20 MPH of speed. 
Detachability Option: $50,000 
Retractability Option: $150,000 

Seraphim Model: A deluxe version of the above system with six wings. Has greater control (an additional +2 on all rolls), and goes an additional 50 MPH. Weight: 70 lb. Weight Limit: 325 lb (not counting wings). Cost: $750,000

Limb Wings: An option for the basic Winged Flight model. These are small wings on the forearms and shin which are used for manoeuvring. They add a bonus of +1 to all combat rolls while in flight if just the arms or just the legs are equipped. If both the arms and the legs are equipped, then they offer a +2 bonus.
Cost: $20,000 for a pair of shin wings, $25,000 for a pair of forearm wings. 
Detachability Option: $5,000 per limb. 
Retractability Option: $30,000 per shin or $50,000 per forearm (and that limb must be bionic)

Folding Rotors A small but powerful rotor system with contra-rotating blades (no tail rotor). Folds into a package 3 metres high standing along the spine. Rotor diametre is 5.5m. Initial SPD is 0, maximum is 480. If flight jets are combined with rotors, maximum SPD is half the lower + the higher value. $120,000, plus $1000/point of speed.
Hover Chassis $80,000 + $20,000 per pod. A chassis with 2-4 ground-effect fan pods, altitude is 10 cm to 3 metres. Each pod has 100 SDC. Maximum SPD is 440 and SPD Costs $500 per point. Starting SPD is 0.
Liquid-Fuel Flight Jets Built into the character's back are a number of thruster nozzles that when engaged, function exactly like a jet pack; requires a bionic chest for anchoring and ideally a reinforced spine and shoulders (use the aerial combat rules and penalties and the Pilot: Jet Pack skill). When not in use, the thrusters recess close to the character's back (or actually retract completely if he is wearing any kind of bionic body armour), and when activated, the jet nozzle ends rotate out and lock away from the body on prescribed angles to keep from doing any damage to the user. The pack is driven by menial command, much the same way a bionic hand is controlled, but it does require fuel or a power pack to operate. Jet thrusters may also be built into the feet for more control (+1 to dodge and +10% on Jet Pack pilot skill). Power Supply: Liquid fuel jet packs have a flight endurance of one hour. Super-solar engine jet packs have a flight endurance of 24 hours before requiring a lour hour recharge period. Micro-fusion jet packs have a five year endurance, during which time they can be used constantly. Cost: 250,000 (liquid fuel), 375,000 (super-solar) or 600,000 (microfusion). Maximum speed: Mach 1 (660 mph/l,056 km). However, the base speed for a jet pack is 120 kph. Additional speed can be purchased at one mph per $1,000.
Liquid-Fuel Jump Jets Uses conventional rocket fuel to provide reaction mass. The fuel tanks hold enough for 6 full jumps (200m long or 100m high). $30,000.
Nuclear-Thermal Flight Jets Only if the cyborg has a fusion plant can these be installed. They pass compressed air over the heat exchangers for reaction mass. Initial SPD is 0, maximum is 660 ($1,000/point). Base Cost is $300,000. The jets must be allowed to cool for 1 hour after 3 hours of use or they will destroy themselves.
Pneumatic Jump Jets Uses a high powered compressor to employ normal air as reaction mass. Takes 60 seconds to recharge for another jump. A jump can be up to 50m high or 25m long. $50,000.
Retractable Wheels, Snowshoes, Fins, Skis or Ice Skates Wheels (effectively roller skates or blades) double the cyborg's SPD, but only on smooth surfaces. Ice skates have similar effects and limitations. Snowshoes prevent SPD from being reduced in heavy snow. Fins permit swimming as fast as a person of regular density and mass. Skis increase SPD in the snow (doubled on flat surfaces, at least trebled downhill) but reduces turning and stopping abilities. Each system Costs $8,000.
Tracked Chassis $60,000. A chassis resembling a miniature tractor or tank. Each of the two tracks has 5 MD (maximum 40). Maximum SPD 220, SPD Costs $1,000 per point. Starting SPD is 0.
Treads A solid all-terrain mode of transportation that can handle rough terrains and travel underwater along lake beds and such. Maximum Speed: 110 (75 mph), increase by 20% (90 mph/144 km) when travelling on a good road, flat grassland or hard earth. Cost: 120,000
Underwater Propulsion Similar to the jet thruster system, the bionic legs or lower back can have a propulsion system installed for underwater use. The system operates in the same manner as the Underwater Propulsion Pack but has a fairly limited range unless the cyborg is also outfitted with an internal energy supply. Maximum Speed: 50 mph (80 km). Engine:
Electric battery supply or nuclear engine. Range: 150 miles (240 km) if battery operated. The underwater propulsion system can run indefinitely with a nuclear power supply, the only factor restricting range is the oxygen supply of the pilot. Cost: 72,000
Wheeled Chassis $20,000 +$5,000 per wheel. A chassis of a 3 to 6 wheeled all-terrain vehicle. Base MD for wheels is 1 (maximum 20 each). Maximum SPD is 352 and SPD Costs only $500 per point. Starting SPD is 0.


9. Additional Features

Absorption Defence Absorbs all incoming energy and uses it to recharge weapons and equipment up to a maximum of 100 damage per round before shutting down. Cost: $1 million per each different type of energy (electrical, solar, laser, fire, etc).
Additional Armour Rating Arm AR is $2000 per point. 
Chest/Rib AR is $5000 per point (the system requires more complex articulation) 
Exoskeleton AR is $5000 per point. 
Hand AR is $1000 per point. 
Leg AR is $3000 per point. 
Skull AR is $4000 per point. 
Bionic Skull, Chest and Exoskeleton AR must match. Obviously, if the character does not have one of these systems, she doesn't have to worry about it. Maximum AR for any system is 18. 
Additional SDC Arm SDC is $200 per point. 
Chest SDC is $500 per point. 
Exoskeleton SDC is $500 per point. 
Hand SDC is $100 per point. 
Leg SDC is $300 per point. 
Skull SDC is $400 per point.
No upper limit on SDC although weight will increase accordingly.
Antenna, Cosmetic Simply for visual affect. Cost: 800 for a pair.
Antenna with Special Capabilities Can include most audio, camera or sensor systems at the usual price, plus the cost of
a reinforced antenna. Antenna Cost: 3,000 for a pair.
Bio-Comp Self-Monitoring System A nano-implant tied to a tiny computer system. It monitors, measures and transmits
fundamental physiological information about the person it is implanted within. The data is typically displayed on a wristwatch or bracelet style monitor device, but can also be displayed on cybernetic or bionic eyes, or displayed and recorded on a computer screen, portable bio-scan or portable laboratory device via a finger or Headjack. Data includes pulse rate, blood pressure, body temperature, blood sugar level, respiratory rate and difficulty breathing, and the presence of foreign elements in the bloodstream indicating the presence of drugs or poison. Cost: 2,500
Cyber-Armour Only available as an implant to protect an organic body rather than an artificial one. Limbs Cost $20,000 (15 SDC), torso $55,000 (50 SDC), head/neck $40,000 (10 SDC). This is a unique lightweight armour that is grafted right to the skin. The armour plates are less than an eighth of an inch thick and form fitted around the contours of the body. Cyber-Armour is only grafted to the chest, shoulders, shoulder blades, and thighs for two reasons. One, the body needs to breathe through skin pores and secondly, additional armour would greatly impair movement (reduce attacks, bonuses, and speed by half). The rest of the body is not protected.
Canards These are 1 metre fins attached to the arms and legs. They increase airborne manoeuvrability (+20% piloting rolls) and reduce turn time. It takes 2 actions to attach each fin (of four). $20,000.
Chameleon Device Follows the contours of the body allowing the character to blend in with the environment as per power (not true invisibility). There is a -60% penalty if trying to spot this person. Cost: $5 million
Clock Calendar A device that can be implanted almost anywhere on the body. It continuously keeps track of the exact time, down to a 100th of a second, as well as the calendar date. Data can be transmitted as an audio report through an ear implant or to a wristwatch-like receiver, cybernetic eye, and/or computer screen, but the latter requires a Fingerjack or Headjack. Cost: 200
Cosmetic Enhancement Skin, hair, eyes, nails, teeth, etc., all of which can pass as human under visual inspection. $20,000 per limb, $80,000 for body, $150,000 for the head. Note: genitalia look human but are purely decorative. Entire body Costs $300,000. Possible PB rating 3-15.
Cyber-Breast These implants serve to keep the breasts firm without the need of outside support (i.e., a bra) and can also increase and decrease the size of the breasts by one cup size. Can also "mould" the breasts to flatten to protect them from damage or to better fit a particular style of dress or blouse. Extremely popular among women of all ages. Cost: 8,000 to
10,000 per pair. Lifelike prosthetic breasts with the same features are also available for 12,000
Cyber-Drone This is an implant and program similar to the cyberware network but enables the user not
only to eavesdrop and steal data, but to seize control of the cyberware or bionics. The Cyberoid or 'Borg loses complete contact with his cybernetic/bionic systems (which may blind some characters) and can only respond with his mind and natural body. Criminals who use the Cyber-Drone will usually take precautions to otherwise incapacitate or restrain their victim (often something as simple as a pair of handcuffs or a threat like
having a gun pressed to the victim's head and saying he will kill him if he doesn't cooperate). The villain can then activate and use any weapons or artificial systems (except Bio-Systems) at his victim's disposal. Cost: 5 million
Cyberlink Vehicle Interfacing A cybernetic interfacing system (Fingerjack, Headjack, etc.) that allows an individual to link to computers and computerized machines to send and receive digital information. For example, being cyberlinked to a vehicle means the cyborg pilot instantly knows the speed,
velocity and direction the vehicle is travelling, engine performance, system failures, any stress on or damage to the vehicle (engine, wheels/tires, body, weapon systems, etc.), and anything else monitored, managed or controlled by an onboard computer and sensors. He can also access and control many of the vehicle's systems, like steering, accelerator, brake, engine, thermostat, radar, radio/communications, special optics, any video camera systems, HUD, weapons and other features. The big advantages from this link are an instantaneous feed of information, as close to absolute control over the vehicle as is
humanly possible, which, in tum, enables the driver to respond more quickly and to use equipment or weapons built into the vehicle with a thought - no need to glance away or use the hands. Thus, the driver can keep his hands on the wheel and eyes on the road while using the interface to access, open and use computerized systems, fire weapons without touching the trigger, punching a button, or using a computer keyboard, etc. Cost: 250,000
Cyberware Networking A hardware implant and program that allows the user to interface, via computer jack, with another person's cybernetics or bionics and listen in or monitor his communications and computer systems, including sensor data, computer data or radio transmissions. As many as three people can network, but must maintain a physical connection to remain interfaced. The networking does not enable one person to seize control of the cyberware of another person, only the ability to eavesdrop. Popular among hackers, spies and ninja, and used by the police, security experts and, to a more limited degree, the military. Cost: 75,000
ECM Electronic Counter Measures. It causes detonation of all activated missiles in a 1km range which have been locked onto you. Cost: $250,000
ECM decoy probe This probe includes an array of transmitters which are calibrated to broadcast an electromagnetic signature identical to yours. In effect this probe makes it appear as if two identical robots are in the area. Cost: $200,000
Emergency Beacon GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month. It can be detached and carried in your pocket. Cost: $5000
EMP Ball A small spherical object which interrupts all electrical synapses within any electrical equipment it is attached to (has magnetic clamp) effectively destroying it. Cost: $75,000 each
EMP Blaster As above but treated as Electro Magnetic Pulse burst with range of 45metres destroying any unhardened electrical equipment and temporarily rendering inoperative any hardened equipment. Cost: $2 million
Foot Claws Large, immobile claws resembling bird feet. Doubles base kick damage. Their primary purpose is climbing (+15% climb). $3,000.
Forcefield Generates up to 300 SDC in the form of a small 30cm diametre shield which can be generated anywhere over the body within 30cms of the device. The SDC is continuously regenerating for up to 4 hours before requiring recharging. Cost: $4 million
Hardened Circuits The ship's electrical and computer circuits have been hardened to withstand the effects of EMPs. Cost: $1 million.
Human Simulation Provides all the benefits of Cosmetic Enhancement, plus an artificial circulatory system with imitation blood vessels, thermal network for warm skin, and sweat & tear glands. Improved cosmetic appearance. Note: genitalia function sexually but not reproductively. $50,000 per limb, $180,000 for body, $340,000 for head. Whole body is $680,000. Possible PB rating 3-22.
Image Inducer Creates 3D holographic images of self or another prerecorded image which can be broadcast anywhere within 10 metres of the device. Up to 10 images. Cost: $100,000
Inhibitor 100 metres with 10 metre radius, temporarily prevents the meta abilities of any within its path from functioning including psionic based powers. Cost: $5 million
Intangitator Makes the air full of electricity though while at a non lethal level does agitate the molecules within the area sufficiently to force anyone intangible to turn solid. A portable version is also available but requires a power source. Cost: $2 million
Internal Container Part of the cyborg's internal space is a concealed compartment. Cost is about $100 for every 25 cubic centimetres of space no more than 2000 cc's is possible in a normal-size cyborg.
Laser-Reflective Construction Double Cost of limbs, ribcage, torso, skull. Lasers do half damage. This cannot be combined with low radar return construction.
Locking Joints Joints can be equipped with high tensile metal mechanisms, allowing a robot to lock that joint in place. Moving the limb will require a PS capable of overpowering the bionic's PS by at least 20 PS attribute points. If a joint is overpowered it causes damage to the mechanism. It is bent out of place, causing the joint to stiffen. The cyborg will be incapable of easily moving that joint until it is fixed. Combat penalties should be assessed on a situational basis by the GM. Cost required for locking joints:
Single Joint: $5,000
Hand: $14,000
Arm and hand: $35,000
Leg: $28,000
Full body (includes waist, neck): $150,000
Low Radar Return Construction Triple Cost of all building blocks (arms, torso etc., not installed systems or implants).
Magnetic Pulsar D10 x10 damage burst over a 20 metre range but also has the side effect of doing EMP damage (see above). 10 shots or self contained. Cost: $10 million
Magnetic Shield Prevents effects of radiation, vacuum, micro debris, etc from entering or affecting the ship. Cost: $2 million
Metamorphic Body Frame Broadness of shoulders changes, as does overall build, length and thickness of neck, height, length of limbs, feet & fingers. Skin colour & texture alters. Breasts appear & disappear. Gait and bearing alters. $750,000, +$250,000 for accurate alteration of genitalia. Requires Cosmetic Enhancement or Human Simulation.
Metamorphic Facial Features Mobile underskin servos can alter jawline, cheekbones, nose, and teeth. Eyes can change colour, shape, and distance apart. Hairline moves, hair lengthens & shortens, facial hair appears & disappears, hair changes colour, lips grow fuller or thinner. Skin colour changes, as does texture & apparent age. $450,000. Requires Cosmetic Enhancement or Human Simulation.
Motion Detector Usually built into a sensor hand or prosthetic with hair-like sensor wires that are actually tiny motion detector sensors. However, a motion detection sensor system may be implanted in the arm, leg or head with sensor wires hidden among the human hair. Provided the sensor wires are not covered (the arm or leg with the detector must be bare), the system will work to measure noticeable movement near the character. The reliability of the detector is quite limited, but can be used to accurately assess wind direction and wind speed, and to detect the rapid approach of large moving objects, such as a vehicle, aircraft, power armour etc., whose rapid approach or large size causes a disturbance in the air. A motion detector is especially useful in the dark because the speeding object must usually be within 153 metres to create a detectable air current.
Likewise, the motion sensor will detect the movement of somebody/thing moving near by, within 12 metres, but only if the sensor user is motionless or barely moving itself. The sensor can also detect sudden changes in air current and pressure caused by somebody opening a door or window, and can estimate speed of travel when inside an open-air (or open window) vehicle. Cost: 15,000 for an implant, half that if built into a prosthetic.
Multi-Leg Chassis Insect-like, this 6-1eg chassis lowers the cyborg's centre of gravity and increases its stability (+15% climb). Maximum possible SPD is also increased. The legs are slimmer, but longer, and have the same stats. $300,000.
One-Piece Head and Torso Cannot turn or angle head. Limits vision range (-3 initiative) and any body armour must be custom modified, but cannot be decapitated. Called head shots become impossible. Adds 20 MD to body. $50,000 to install on construction, or $175,000 to retrofit.
Oversized Body Part Every size doubling trebles the price, i.e. New Cost = Old Cost x 1.5 x (New Size / Old Size).
Oversized Multi-Leg Chassis Horse-like 4-1eg system. This chassis provides less stability than the spider style, but greater possible speed. Climbing ability is reduced (-25%). The legs are large and powerful (base 100 MD, maximum 200 SDC, kick forward for 2D6 MD or back for 3D6). $320,000.
Power Analyser Scans any one lifeform within 30 feet/9 metres and detects what metapowers that person has. It doesn't work on supernatural abilities or magic. Cost: $75 million
Radar Radar systems use both radio waves and laser light to send emissions out from the ship where they will bounce off of targets. The bounced waves become signals that the sensor can track with a high degree of precision. Detect, identify and track up to 100 targets with a range of 100 kilometres. Cost: $250,000
Sensor Jamming Prevents enemy sensors and targeting systems from detecting you. The drawback being they might notice that their sensors are being jammed before you can attack. Range of 100 metres. Cost: $10,000
Self Repair System This is a version of the Healing Factor system for use with robots. The system is divided into a master control system (there may be 2 backups), and a dispersal pod (there may be 5 backups). Each pod restores 1 SDC point per minute. Cost: $500,000 for the control unit, $1,500,000 for each dispersal unit
Sonar Radar systems use both radio waves and laser light to send emissions out from the ship where they will bounce off of targets. The bounced waves become signals that the sensor can track with a high degree of precision. Detect, identify and track up to 100 targets with a range of 100 kilometres. Cost: $250,000
Smartgun Link This device makes any gun, be it a pistol, sub-machine gun, or rifle, amazingly accurate. A small targeting computer is implanted inside the character's body. The smartgun link allows a character to see where the gun is pointing through a special scope connected to a bionic eye via a universal headjack (the bionic must have a universal headjack to use the smartgun link). The smart gun conversion is quite expensive and each gun must be paid for separately. The conversion consists of removing the trigger mechanism (so the gun is thought activated, a special jack plug (for the universal headjack), and mounting a special scope that links to a bionic eye. The bionic may use any optic systems available to him while using a smart gun. The bionic will see a crosshair that shows where the smartgun is aimed. Bonuses: The smartgun link provides a +6 to strike with all smartguns in addition to any bonuses to strike. Cost: $250,000 for the implant. Conversion Cost (for each gun): $25,000
Spectrum Beam Emits infrared and ultraviolet light rays which can damage sight sensors and reveal any similar beams or heat prints in the area. Cost: $10,000
Stealth Cloak Makes the user invisible to radar and all forms of electronic tracking devices (but not metaabilities or magic). Cost: $3 million
Telescopic Limbs Extension to +2m. If both legs are of telescoping type, jump distances are trebled. Melee combat using a telescoping limb is +2 strike, +1 parry, and base damage is doubled. $30,000 per arm, $45,000 per leg.
Tentacle Or Prehensile Tail Highly flexible limbs with a 2m reach. They can be placed almost anywhere but must follow extra limb limits set out above. They are more fragile (20 MD) and have a maximum PS of 18 or 30 (see increasing PS, above). $100,000 for a single pseudopod, $175,000 a pair. Same combat bonuses as additional arms.
Tractor Beam A beam of force that can attract or repulse any physical objects within 30 metres. Up to half a ton can be attracted or repulsed. Its also possible to use the beam as a climbing tool (+25% bonus, or use that as a base skill). Disarming an opponent with the beam is also possible; add a +2 bonus at levels two & four, +1 more at levels seven, & ten. Halve the bonus if the character is attempting to snatch a weapon away & into his own hand. The character can fire a repulsion blast that requires a victim to dodge or suffer knockdown & take 8D4 damage. Finally it can also be used as a jump booster for a total of normal distance x2. Cost: $1 million
Vestigial Tail A popular trend, especially among females is getting a cuddly animal tail. Feline tails and fluffy fox-like tails the most desirable. The cybernetic tail can move in a swishing, up and down, side to side way like a cat or dog, but is not prehensile and cannot be used as a weapon. Cost: 700


10. Bionic weapons

Eye weapons

Eye-Grenade The idea here is to pop out the eyeball and throw it. Or, if the situation is really desperate, it can be used for a 100% reliable suicide device just leave it in when it’s set off. Does 4D6 damage to target and 2D6 damage to everyone within 4 metres of the detonation point. Of
course, the eyeball is destroyed in any detonation. Cost: S2,500
Mini-Laser A micro-sized version of combat lasers. This weapon has a maximum range of 25 metres and does 3D6 damage per blast. Unfortunately it can only hold 6 charges. Recharging time is 2 hours using standard electrical outlets. Cost: $80,000
Needle Projector Can be used with any eyeball, but commercial glass eyes will require modification. Tiny darts,
usually coated with either anaesthetic or poison, are fired out of the eyeball. The needle does no SDC or hit point damage. Range is limited to 7 metres and there is a maximum load
of 6 shots between reloading. Cost: $6,000
Anaesthetics usually take D4 melees to knock-out an opponent (victims get to save vs. non-lethal poison). Poisons generally inflict 3D6 damage plus D6 more damage for 2D4 melees (victims save vs. poison).
Spike Thrower This one-shot weapon is designed for low range (8 metres maximum) but high damage (D10) attacks. Spring operated, it can be reloaded in one melee action. Cost: $5,000

Hand weapons

Chemical Supply Simply a fluid tank and pump. Some uses: dripping poison onto retractable claws, supplying drugs for a retractable hypodermic, storing water for use by a high-pressure spray, possibly combined with a steam system. $5,000. A chemical supply can hold up to 20 "uses" of chemical, and may carry more than one kind (up to 4).
Claw Hand Designed exclusively as a weapon. The Claw Hand can not be used for normal gripping, touching or tool using. It comes as a single blade which does 2D6 damage per attack. Alternate versions can be fitted as blunt weapons (a solid metal fist/hand) that does D8 plus PS bonus damage. Or as a metal hand with wicked blades for fingers doing 2D6 damage per attack. The hand is very durable, with an AR of 16, an SDC of 60. Cost: S3500
Cyber-Stinger There are three known methods of implantation for the Cyber-Stinger. The most common one is to implant the "stinger" in the ends of the bones of two fingers of a hand (or in a cybernetic or bionic hand). A mental command causes the Stinger to project outward, allowing the user to stab and inject one dose of knockout chemical, poison or whatever else. To refill the stinger's reservoir, a replacement dose is injected into a barely noticeable bump located anywhere on the finger or hand, which is connected to an artificial tube. Another location for implantation is the eyebrow ridges for a head butt type of attack. A third place for a Cyber-Stinger is an additional bionic appendage, such as a extra hand and arm, tentacle or an actual "stinger appendage" like a scorpion's tail (the latter is usually an additional bionic appendage).
Stinger Chems: The same chemicals as used in the Wrist or Palm Needle are available for the Cyber-Stinger. Cost: 5,000 for the Stinger system, chemicals cost separately. Payload: Two doses per stinger system.
Electrical Discharge Type I: D4-4D4, 20 metre range.

Type II: D6-4D6, 10 metre range.

Type III: D8-4D8, 10 metre range.

Type IV: D10-4D10, 5 metre range.

Cost: $40,000 each

Energy Blades This weapon can be built-in or hand-held and can resemble an Energy Sword, Axe, Flail, etc. Hand-held requires a power source and can run for only ten minutes before needing a recharge. Built-in energy weapons draw their power from the unit itself. 
Number of Attacks: equal to hand to hand.
Special: +2 to parry in hand to hand situations and the character can attempt to parry energy blasts but with no bonus modifiers.
Damage: 2D6 plus PS bonuses.
Cost: $100,000
Explosive Projectiles These mini bombs can be fired from the wrist, arm or shoulders. The launcher can hold up to 12. Each of the bombs can have their damage adjusted to do from between 1D6 to 6D6 with a 12 metre radius. Cost: $10,000 with $200 per bomb.
Flamethrower A small unit with a retractable nozzle and hose, usually housed in the hip or back. The flame thrower can also be built to fire from the hand or mouth. Range: 5 metres. Damage: 5D10, plus a 60% chance of setting combustibles ablaze. Capacity: 40. Cost: $50,000.
Frigex Cannon Type I: Special cannon which freezes the air around a victim encasing them completely with the same effects as per the Ice power with range of 10 metres. Cost: $5 million.

Type II: Same as above but fires Ice shards instead which do 3D10 each, up to 1 shot per melee. Cost: $5 million.

Garrote Wrist Wire A thin, strong wire is hidden inside a prosthetic wrist junction that can be pulled out and used to strangle an opponent. SDC strangle damage applicable only. Cost: 200
Grenade Finger Joint One joint of the artificial finger can be detached and thrown. Works as a tiny grenade that does 3D6 damage to the target and 2D6 damage to everyone within 4 metres of the detonation. Cost: $600 each.
High-Speed Rotating Wrist When combined with fingertip or climbing claws, this doubles their damage. $50,000.
Laser Sniper Rifle Light Laser Rifle designed with accuracy in mind. It can only fire single shots and comes with a telescopic sight. Weight: 12 lbs. Rate of Fire: equal to operator's hand to hand attacks; aimed shots only, no bursts.
Range: 600 metres
Damage: D6 x 100
Payload: 15 shots
Special Bonus: +5 to aimed shot
Cost: $1 million
Locking Handgrip Using this system, a hand can be locked in place (even dismemberment or electrocution will not alter its position) until deliberately unlocked by the cyborg using an internal code system. Makes an excellent hand cuff and is an aid in climbing (+10%). $6,000.
Mini Gatling Gun This small, six-barrelled machinegun can be mounted on the forearm, shoulder, hip, or head. It fires in bursts only and uses armour piercing ammunition. Range: 100 metres. Rate of Fire: Standard Machinegun automatic fire, but can not fire single shots. Damage: 6D10+6. Ammo Capacity: 100 round clip (30% ammunition), 500 round internal belt (100% ammunition), or 1000 round drum fed (300% ammunition). Cost: $500,000. Belt feed adds $5,000 and drum feed adds $10,000.
Mini-Laser A handsized version of a combat laser. Maximum range is 75ft (22.9m) and damage is 2D6 per
attack. Built-in power pack holds eight (8) charges. The power can be recharged at any standard electrical outlet, taking about one hour per charge. Cost: $120,000.
Missile Launcher The launcher can be manufactured to hold anywhere between 1- 24 missiles. Cost: $10,000 per missile pod.
Monofilament Whip A retracting reel of monomolecular wire tipped with a lead weight and used like a ball-and-chain. Does D6xl0 SDC and victims must save or suffer a crosscut (roll lD6: on 1-4 a limb is severed, on 5 head cut off, on 6 torso cut in half). If the whip misses (or is dodged successfully), the attacker must parry his own attack roll (at a +4 bonus) or be hit. $75,000.
Needle Projector Can be used with any Hand Replacement. Designed to be built-in to either a finger, thumb, palm, or along the back of the hand. Each is a one-shot weapon coated with either anaesthetic or poison. Range is 10 metre. The needle does no SDC. or hit point damage, the victim is effected on by the poison or drug. Cost: S1,000 each.
Needler These are needle projectiles which do D4 each, with a range of 20metres and an ammo clip of 10. Cost: $10,000 +$100 per needle refill.
Neural Knuckles Functions just like a neural mace: if it hits exposed flesh, the victim must save vs. poison or fall unconscious for 2D4 melee rounds. $10,000.
Palm Power Port For Small Arms Energy weapons can be modified to accept power from a cyborg's power plant instead of an energy clip. $3,000.
Plasma Beam This beam weapon does D100 over a 200 metre range. Cost: $30 million
Pneumatic Captive-Bolt Punch Gun Installed in hand and lower forearm, a steel punch driven by compressed air and able to penetrate armour. Includes a punch trigger. D6xl0 SDC is added to punch damage. $25,000.
Pneumatic Catapult Similar to the captive bolt gun, this device is usually installed in the forearm and may be used to throw a spike or grappling hook (range 150 metres). If used as a weapon, spikes do 3D6 SDC. Found stones can be muzzle loaded, doing 2D6 SDC (but range is poor, 50 metres). $10,000. A $250 adaptor, which must be attached externally, turns this into a grenade launcher which hurls standard hand grenades up to 100 metres.
Punch Trigger Enables the cyborg to punch and conveniently have an integral gun (or other weapon) go off at the same time, automatically hitting if the punch hits. Internal guns are effectively silenced if used this way. $5,000.
Radius Spray Option When combined with a Chemical Supply and Directional High Pressure Fluid Spray, this system directs fluid in all directions (range is to a circle 3 metres in diameter). $10,000.
Retractable Fingertip Blades 5 cms long, D4 SDC damage (standard 4 blades per hand, so a hand with 4 blades would do 4D4 SDC). $5,000 each.
Retractable Fingertip Vibro-Blades D4 SDC damage each. $50,000 each.
Retractable Forearm Blade 30 cms long, 3D6 SDC damage. $3,000.
Retractable Forearm Vibro-Blade 2D6 SDC damage. $30,000.
Retractable Hypodermic Needle Needs a chemical supply (see below). Does no damage, but injects the selected chemical or drug into the body of an SDC creature. $1,000.
Sonic Disruptor Type I: 2D6, 90 metres
Type II: 3D6, 120 metres
Type III: 4D6, 150 metres
Type IV: 3D10, 200 metres
Cost: $3 million each
Strangling Wire A retracting reel of high-tensile wire tipped with a gripping loop. Only works if the throat is exposed. Damage is lD6 SDC per action, but a saving throw vs. poison is required every melee to avoid unconsciousness, the victim cannot scream and furthermore is -6 to break the pin. $1,000.
Stun Fist Conductive surfaces on the fist deliver an electric charge at a touch. Does D6 SDC damage and a save vs. poison is required to avoid being stunned for (30 - PE score) melee rounds (minimum 1 melee). $15,000.

Other weapons

Back-Mounted Indirect Fire Weapon System Grenade launchers and light field mortars can be back-mounted for fire support. Basically an external gun, Cost is weapon +$2,000. Accurate use of this weapon requires the gunner to remain motionless.
Chemical Implant For female characters. Implanted in the breast is some chemical vials to enhance the agent's performance. Each of the enhancements lasts 1D4 hours and can NOT be combined without some serious side effects. For each enhancement past the first the character suffers a 15% chance of collapsing into a coma per 10 minutes the two enhancements are concurrent, and the penalties are doubled in duration. Only the following enhancements are possible:
1. Agility: Add +4 to P.P. and +12 to Speed. +6 on initiative, +2 attacks and +3 on all combat bonuses. Afterwards for the next hour the character feels week and slow; -2 attacks and all combat bonuses are at half.
2. Strength: Add +5 to P.S. and +3 to P.E. All attacks do double normal damage. Afterwards for the next hour the character feels weak. All attacks do a maximum One damage plus P.S. bonus!
3. Calming: The character is impervious to shock/sneak attacks and +3 on initiative and to save versus mind control, possession, magic, and psionics. As well the character won't panic in any situation and suffers no skill penalties. Afterwards the character is weak and a bit nauseous; -15% on all skills.
4. Endurance: The character is +2 to P.E. and suffers no fatigue or exhaustion during the length of the enhancement. Afterwards the character needs 8 hours of sleep or is weak and groggy; -1 attack, -2 on all combat moves and -10% on skill performance.
Note: The character has a total of 24 enhancements before the supply is exhausted. They can be in any combination of the four possible. They take effect nearly instantaneously; within the first melee. The character can turn off the effect at any time. Cost: $175,000. Each replacement enhancement is $400.
Cutting Jaws SDC edged jaws with high-powered mechanical muscles. Vastly more effective than bolt-cutters. Damage is D4 SDC. $15,000. The bite of a cyborg with this weapon can sever chains, and given time even gnaw through axles, etc.
External Gun Internal guns are traditionally mounted outboard of the forearms and are fixed, so aiming is accomplished by pointing the arm. They may also be mounted on the head, back, or shoulders (in the case of the shoulders, usually folding backwards when not in use). The weapon is visible and may be hit by called shots. Head, back or chest mounted guns are limited to pistol or SMG size. Arm weapons are limited to rifle size (not railguns). Over-shoulder weapons can be any man-portable weapon, including railguns. Arm mounts may instead hold mini-missile racks of up to 3 missiles (which may be fired singly or in volleys of 2 or 3). Standard ammo is 1 clip, but a large ammo storage system (a back-mounted drum with belt feed, 10 clips equivalent) may be added for $10,000. Cost is weapon price +$2,000. Arm and head-mounted weapons are +l strike. Sound suppressors may be added to projectile weapons for $3,000. An external gun is unbalancing and awkward, and each one inflicts a cumulative penalty of -1 to strike, parry and dodge. They can be quickly mounted and demounted, once installed.
Flamethrower Ignition Option When combined with the Directional High Pressure Fluid Spray and a Chemical Supply filled with fuel, this system becomes a flamethrower. Flamethrowers typically do 5D10 SDC, hitting a target area like a shotgun, out to a range of 40 metres. Targets burn for 6 melees, taking like damage every round. $2,000.
Folding Arm-Mount Melee Weapon A melee weapon which when not in use folds back along the forearm. The weapons are weighted for cyborg strength. Damage is double that done by a cyborg's punch (for a hammer, axe or morning star) or 6D6 SDC if a chainsaw is employed. $25,000.
Gun Shell Implant For female characters. Implanted in the breast is a gun that shoots bullets out of the nipple! This implant is quite surprising the first time someone sees it and the character gets an automatic surprise attack with it. The calibre of the round must be .22 and does 2D6 SDC damage. The character can store 25 rounds. The character can NOT fire burst shots and can only fire a single round at a time. The female also has NO feeling in her nipple, as it is also fake (a gun nozzle). Cost: $225,000. Reloads are $110 per shell.
Horns, Large A pair of large, bull or steer type horns. Damage Bonus: +2D4 SDC damage to head butts. Cost: 5,000 credits.
Horns, Large Ram's Horn (curled) A large set of thick, curled horns. Damage Bonus: +2D6 SDC damage to head butts. Cost: 8,000
Horns, Small A pair of tiny to small Devil's or goat's horns. Usually for cosmetic effect rather than as a weapon. Damage Bonus: +1 SDC damage to head butts. Cost: 1000
Horn, Unicorn This is one large horn (any style) usually in the centre of the forehead or top of the head. Damage Bonus: +D6 SDC damage to head butts. Cost: 3,000 credits.
Integral Mini-Missile Launcher Usually installed in the shoulders or upper torso, facing front, with blast vents at the rear mirroring the protective covers at the front. Costs $50,000 per missile tube, with a maximum of 8 tubes for a cyborg less than 3m tall. The doors which cover the missiles can take 5 MD per missile tube (and can be increased to a maximum of 10 per missile).
Internal Gun Internal guns can be placed anywhere, but if they are in the forearm or head they gain +l strike. Head-guns are limited to pistol size SDC weapons or lasers (lasers can be placed in the torso and connected to the actual aperture by a flexible optic cable, and hence can be up to rifle size). Other internal guns are limited to pistols, SMGs, automatic carbines or weapons of similar size. Ammunition is normally 1 clip but a large ammunition reserve (equivalent to 10 clips) in the torso can be installed for $15,000. The internal gun Costs the price of the weapon itself +$5,000 (+$20,000 for lasers with optic cables). Projectile pistols can include integral sound suppression for an additional $3,000, but suppressors for larger weapons must be externally fitted.
Poison Dart Implant For female characters. Implanted in the breast is several poison-tipped darts that shoot out of the nipple. The range is a paltry 5 feet/1.5 meters. They are meant as a short-range attack. The darts are spring loaded and can only be reloaded with special equipment. The payload for the poison dart implant is usually 30 darts. The dart damage is 2 SDC Any combination of poison tips may be used. Note that the female will have NO feeling in her nipple after this as it completely fake. Cost: $150,000. Reloads are $100 per dart.
Poison Gas Implant For female characters. Implanted in the breast is a gas that can be sprayed out! This can be a poison gas, tear gas, or knockout gas. The poison gas does 2D6 damage direct to hit points per melee unless a successful saving throw is made each melee. A gas mask will negate the damage. The tear gas causes irritation of the eyes and nose and results in penalties of -4 to strike and parry, and -6 to dodge. Skill performance is -20%. A save must be made each melee to avoid being overcome by the gas. A gas mask will negate the penalties. Finally, the knockout gas will cause drowsiness in 1D4 melees and sleep in 1D6 minutes unless a save is made. A save must be made each melee in the gas. All saves are against non-lethal poison. Cost: $140,000, and comes with 10 doses of each type. Each replacement 10 doses is $500 (only comes in sets of 10). Note: The female who has this usually uses it in conjunction with the oxygen storage cell or toxic filter so she herself doesn't become overwhelmed by the gas.
Steam Superheating Option When combined with the Directional High Pressure Fluid Spray and a supply of water, this system becomes like a flamethrower (superheated steam will sear flesh to the bone, and ignite petrol vapour, but little else) without doing as much property damage or starting fires. Damage is 4D10 SDC, and lasts only 1 round. $4,000.
Taser Implant For female characters. Implanted in the breast is a cable with a hook connected to a powerful battery. The hook is propelled out of the nipple by a spring loader and imbeds itself in the victim. The victim gets a save versus non-lethal poison. On a successful save the character suffers 2D6 damage but is otherwise OK (usually will pull the hook out causing two points of damage to be suffered. If the victim doesn't do that they will be subjected to another shock attack). On a failed save the character suffers 2D6 damage and will fall unconscious for 1D6 minutes! At the end of the time the character gets another save versus non-lethal poison. A successful save means the victim regains full senses within one melee round. A failed save means that the victim will be out for another 1D4 hours and after that time will regain consciousness. The range for the attack is 8 feet (2.4 meters). Cost: $130,000.
Whole Body Stun System Extends the Stun Fist concept to cover the cyborg's entire body. A very effective riot weapon. Anyone touching, or touched by the cyborg suffers the effect of a Stun Fist. $45,000.



Palladium Classes