

Species Name: Revonnahgander

Type: Humanoid

Physical Traits: Revonnahganders are feline-like violet furred aliens with pointed elf-like ears. Their hair can be black, white, or purple. They have cat-like pupils and large pointed upper canines. They have small black stripes on their arms. Young Revonnahganders have tails called bi'nthaks, which fall off at puberty. They are extremely difficult to remove and must be allowed to fall off naturally. Female teenage and some older Revonnahganders have purple lips, similar to lipstick. Revonnahganders consider using contractions as bad language. While this view is held by grammar linguists, Revonnahganders take this view very seriously. Once young Revonnahganders part with their bi'nthak, their family will hold a Bi'nthakoid Ceremony where they will announce that the young Revonnahgander's childhood has ended and that he/she will be able to choose their own name, giving their bi'nthak to any person they are named after. Before losing their bi'nthak, the Revonnahgander is referred to as 'Young One'. Revonnahganders that have their bi'nthak can use it as a third arm, although it takes a great deal of effort to control it. Despite having feline features, Revonnahganders are able to resist anyone with the ability to mind control cats. Revonnahganders are shown to have above average agility and can jump high distances. Due to having fur, Revonnahganders are uncomfortable in highly warm climates.

Height: 6 ft

Weight: 180 lbs

Mobility: Legs

Sensory Organs: Visual

Communication: Vocal

Reproduction: Sexual

INT: 3D6, WIS: 3D6, STR: 3D6, DEX: 3D6, CON: 3D6, CHA: 3D6, MR: 3D6, HPs: CON +D8

Orbit/Climate: 1 AU. Very stable, elliptical (oval) orbit, warmer twice every local year.

Atmosphere: Standard Oxygen/Nitrogen with significant ozone component in stratosphere.

Oceans: 30%

Gravity: 100%

Feeding Habits: Omnivore

Lifespan: 100 years

Technology: 9

Culture: Standard

Government: Democracy

Population: 23 billion


Home System:

Number of Stars: 1, Revonnah

Star Type: M

Planetoid Belts: 5

Inner Planets: 3

Middle Planets: 4

Outer Planets: 2


Alien Races