Spider Guild


Species Name: Spider Guild

Type: Arachnid

Physical Traits: 8 limbs, spray webbing from glands in mouth

Height: 6 ft

Weight: 240 lbs

Mobility: Legs

Sensory Organs: Visual

Communication: Vocal

Reproduction: Eggs

INT: 3D6, WIS: 3D6, STR: 4D6, DEX: 3D6, CON: 4D6, CHA: 2D6, MR: 3D6, HPs: CON +D10

Orbit/Climate: 1 AU. Slightly erratic, circular orbit, stable surface temperature changes gradually over thousands of years.

Atmosphere: Dense thick atmosphere which is predominantly oxygen and nitrogen.

Oceans: 40%

Gravity: 100%

Feeding Habits: Carnivore

Lifespan: 30 years

Technology: 10

Culture: Malevolent. Truly malicious race with no redeeming qualities at all. What is known is that 50,000 years ago, they developed space travel technology and began spreading across the universe. This involved a standard pattern of events which primarily encompassed the establishment of a Control Nest whereupon years were spent to gather resources in order to create colonizer spider robots as well as mother ships. After which, they invaded a target solar system where each of their warships were staffed by a few Strand Captain's and Robot Manipulators. Once a life supporting world was found, it was infested with robot spiders conquering it until it had become new territory for the Spider Guild who began laying their eggs on their new planet. The conquered world eventually became a new Control Nest and repeated the cycle on other nearby worlds. At some point, the Spider Guild established a presence in the Vega System and the arachnid aliens came into conflict with the Guardians of the Universe. However, a pact and a peace treaty was settled between the two whereupon the Spider Guild's territory in the Vega System was barred by the Guardian's enforcers. Despite this being the case, the Spider Guild were involved in a number of skirmishes with the Green Lantern Corps and the Omega Men. However, the Vega System was largely free of Green Lantern interference and several Vegan worlds were held by the arachnid aliens. During the Invasion, the Spider Guild did not join the Alliance but did offer their services to a limited capacity to the alien hordes that intended to conquer Earth.

Government: Military Dictatorship

Population: 5.5 billion


Home System:

Number of Stars: 1, Vega

Star Type: K

Planetoid Belts: 1

Inner Planets: 5

Middle Planets: 10

Outer Planets: 4


Alien Races