

Species Name: Ursoi, Polar Bear

Ursoi are a race of bears that have evolved into an intelligent, social species. They live and work together in a tribe, use tools and sometimes weapons, and hunt cooperatively for food.

Type: Humanoid Ursine

Physical Traits: The typical ursoi looks a great deal like a bear – up to nine feet tall when standing on its rear legs, with thick shaggy fur and four paws. The front paws have longer, better articulated “fingers” than the typical bear, to better use tools and weapons.

Height: 8-9' feet

Weight: 300lbs

Abilities: Ursoi are immensely strong, and use that strength in wearing heavy iron armour and using immense iron hammers. They are capable of great charge attacks, can and can rend flesh with ease. They fight to defend their territory and to contest against each other. they have keen scent, can swim well, and can even lurk and walk unencumbered in deep snow.

Mobility: Legs

Sensory Organs: Visual

Communication: Vocal

Reproduction: Sexual

INT: 3D6, WIS: 3D6, STR: 4D6, DEX: 3D6 +2, CON: 4D6, CHA: 3D6, MR: 3D6, HPs: CON +D20, AC 6

Orbit/Climate: See Earth

Feeding Habits: Omnivore. They hunt seal, walrus, and fish.

Lifespan: 90 years

Technology: 2

Culture: Standard. Diversified mix of kind and evil people. Ursoi wear jewelry, leather belts, and even, on special occasions, ceremonial clothing. Combat: While an ursoi can use weapons, there are few weapons more effective than this creature’s own fangs and claws. It attacks three times per turn, but it cannot split its attacks against multiple opponents. If both claw attacks hit an opponent in a turn, on the next turn the ursoi may (50% chance) opt for a hug attack. This requires another attack roll, and it is the only attack the ursoi can make that turn. If it succeeds, the victim suffers 2D4 points of crushing damage each successive turn. In addition, the ursoi can bite a hugged victim with a +4 bonus to the attack roll. An ursoi will not release a hugged victim until the ursoi has fewer than 10 hit points left, or the victim dies. A hugged creature may not attack or throw spells. An ursoi can hug only those creatures smaller than itself. The ursoi are fearless fighters and do not back down from a challenge. However, they are also smart enough to flee when things start going badly for them. Though their morale is high, they do not fight to the death against impossible odds.

Ursoi are known to live only in the remote caves on the outer edges of the south pole. They prefer colder climates, staying in arctic or temperate forest regions. They have developed a tribal society, with a chieftain, a tribal shaman (some sages who have studied the ursoi say that the shamans will soon develop spellcasting ability), and several sub-chieftains. Their primary occupation is hunting – while ursoi are omnivorous, they greatly prefer fresh meat to leaves and berries.

Ursoi are intelligent and have a highly-developed sense of personal honor. Under the right circumstances, a person could persuade an ursoi to serve as a bodyguard, sentry, or other sort of fighter. One example might be if a person were to save an ursoi’s life and demand a payment on the “debt of honor”. The period of service would have to be for a short, specified time (no more than a year), and the ursoi would have to be treated with honor and respect (no suicide missions).

Government: Tribal

Population: 220,000



Creating an Ursoi character

Step 1: Attributes
Roll attributes as normal but then 4D6 for STR and CON and add +2 to DEX. Mana = INT + WIS x3. Mana is recovered at a rate of 10 per hour if remain active (but not using magic) and 20 per hour if asleep. Mana can however be permanently traded for HPs at a rate of 1 for 1. Hit points = CON +20, +20 per level.
Step 2: Skills

Choose skills in the normal manner according to the character's class.

Step 3: Abilities

Ursoi gain all the following free;

Bear Body - +1 on all physical and CON related saves.

Cold Resistance - The character gains a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against cold damage and cold effects. He can also exist comfortably in conditions down to –30°C without having to make a CON save.

Additionally Ursoi start with 35 Points to spend on any of the following abilities. As they earns more experience they may buy or rebuy more abilities.

Ability Cost Notes
Enhanced Taste 5 Can identify the specific ingredients of anything that have previously eaten, drunk or sample tasted. This includes chemicals, animals, plants, toxins and poisons.
Greater Fortitude 5 +1 on all physical and CON related saves.
Increased AC 5 +1 AC
Increased Thac0 5 +1 Thac0 with unarmed combat and melee weapons at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 and 19.
Intimidating 10 This character has greater presence, +1 CHA
Natural Chameleon 5 Using this ability the Ursoi can blend into and render himself nearly invisible in any tundra or snow terrain. When hiding he can conceal himself from attackers and eavesdrop on his enemies. He can hide near a well travelled road and secretly observe passersby, or conceal himself near an enemy campsite waiting for an opportune moment to steal their supplies.
Nature Survival 5 Due to an Ursoi's extensive experience and training in the tundra he gains +1 to any physical, combat and survival rolls made while within that environment. He may choose an additional terrain at level 5. Terrain types include; Jungle, Desert, Tundra, Mountain, Forest or Ocean. Each time this ability is rebought he may either take an additional +1 with their terrain OR choose a new terrain.
Natural Mana 10 +10 Mana at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20.
Nightvision 5 Not all have this ability. They can see up to 30 metres.
Witch Sight 10 The character can see the true image of any person or object regardless of any form of concealment, disguise, illusion or invisibility. This also includes the ability to detect whether it is magical, and whether it is harmful or helpful.
Step 4: Classes
Any but Shaman is the favoured mage class.


