The Seven Deadly Sins are seven powerful demons that represent the worst sins of Judeo-Christian religions; Pride, Envy, Greed, Anger, Sloth, Gluttony, and Lust. The demons can take control of people's bodies and force them to follow their base desires. The demons once plotted to merge Earth and Hell, but were successfully opposed by the Parliament of Nature and encased in seven mockingly stone statues, spread over the world. The demons have escaped their prisons several times to cause havoc, usually freed by another villain. Their powers will not work if the victim has not committed that sin recently.


INT 18 STR 18
WIS 18 CON 18
CHA 18 DEX 18
AC 0 MR 40
HPs 450 Apparent age 21
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Category 20th level Demon
Powers Envy can sense and manipulate the jealousy, enviousness and envy of people, animals and other creatures, whether increasing, decreasing, causing or otherwise chancing envy, even manifesting the emotional energy to physical level. She can cause jealousy/envy in others, making them insanely jealous of others, growing into hatred and possibly even murder. People thus affected will act out against others who are perceived to be superior in quality, achievements, or possessions, and will either desire to take such for themselves or will wish that the others lacked the things for which the victim envies them, resulting in that person destroying, torturing or killing the people to whom they feel inferior.
Sorcery Diabolical and Psionic
Envy always wants that which belongs to another person or that which another person has. She resents another for having what she does not: whether it is property, beauty, family, friends or some other luxury, sometimes when she doesnt need it.


INT 10 STR 18
WIS 10 CON 20
CHA 6 DEX 17
AC 0 MR 50
HPs 400 Apparent age ?
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Category 20th level Demon
Powers Gluttony can sense and manipulate the appetite, gluttony and hunger of themselves, people, animals and other creatures, whether by increasing, decreasing, causing or otherwise channelling emotions, even manifesting the emotional energy to physical level. He can induce hunger and extremes of gluttony in others such as over-indulgence and over-consumption of food, drink, or wealth items to the point of extravagance or waste. The victim is unable to focus into anything else than fulfilling their hunger. The victim will only eat, feed, and consume relentlessly. Targets tend to gorge themselves to death, eating more than they can take in one sitting, or dying from eating things that are poisonous or inedible.
Sorcery Diabolical and Elemental Void
Gluttony is always eating and drinking to excess, especially if it is wasteful.


INT 18 STR 18
WIS 18 CON 18
CHA 6 DEX 18
AC 0 MR 40
HPs 450 Apparent age ?
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Category 20th level Demon
Powers Greed can sense and manipulate the greed, covetousness and avarice of themselves, people, animals and other creatures, whether by increasing, decreasing, causing or otherwise channelling greed, even manifesting the emotional energy to physical level. The user is able to induce greed into themselves and others, inducing amplifying greed, or feeding on it to make themselves stronger. He increase a person's greed to the point where they begin to collect and hoard everything they can obtain. Or increase their greed to make them buy whatever they can, with whatever money they can find, even if it is not always their own. The afflicted will covet anything "shiny" or perceived as valuable; they will even treat the people around them as possessions. They will covet what they have and take what they want, killing anyone who tries to get in between them and the desired object(s). The affected person will desire everything, money, power, sex, fashion, immortality, friends; all things in existence.
Sorcery Diabolical and Translocative
Greed has an excessive love for material things such as money, wealth and power.


INT 18 STR 18
WIS 18 CON 18
CHA 25 DEX 18
AC 0 MR 30
HPs 450 Apparent age 22
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Category 20th level Demon
Powers Lust can sense and manipulate the lust, sexuality, sexual attraction and sexual desire of themselves, people, animals and other creatures, whether by increasing, decreasing, causing or otherwise channelling lust, even manifesting the emotional energy to physical level. She can induce sexual arousal in others to make them lustful and crave sexual interaction. This power may work with both genders, their sexual interest and people of any age. It drives people to insatiable acts of sexual debauchery. A person will completely forget about their lives for sex, usually dying in the process. Users would cause someone to leave the person they truly love, indulge in sexual activities instead of taking care of themselves, or even to commit rape.
Sorcery Diabolical and Tantric
Lust always feels an excessive desire for the pleasures of the flesh, and any forms of sex.


INT 18 STR 18
WIS 18 CON 18
CHA 18 DEX 18
AC 0 MR 30
HPs 450 Apparent age 24
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Category 20th level Demon
Powers Pride can sense and manipulate the pride, arrogance and hubris, of themselves, people, animals and other creatures, whether by increasing, decreasing, causing or otherwise channelling emotions, even manifesting the emotional energy to physical level. She is able induce extreme levels of arrogance and pride in others, whether the subject of this pride is the victim themselves or something else. Victims often loss of contact with reality and an overestimate of their own competence or capabilities, especially if they are in position of power. Targets will act high and mighty as if above everyone and will proceed to "assert" themselves. It best affects people already in positions of power: presidents, kings, and politicians. These persons will become tyrants and proceed to the lives of those below them a living Hell, taking away rights and killing anyone who dares to oppose them.
Sorcery Diabolical and Illusion
Pride is convinced of her self-worth, comparable to vanity and arrogance. She always acts in very selfish and sometimes dangerous ways, putting herself before all others.


INT 18 STR 18
WIS 18 CON 15
CHA 17 DEX 18
AC 0 MR 20
HPs 450 Apparent age 31
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Category 20th level Demon
Powers Sloth can sense and manipulate the sloth, indolence and laziness, of themselves, people, animals and other creatures, whether by increasing, decreasing, causing or otherwise channelling emotions, even manifesting the emotional energy to physical level. She is able induce slothfulness or laziness, defined as spiritual or emotional apathy, being physically and emotionally inactive. It can also indicate a wasting due to lack of use, concerning a person, place, thing, skill, or intangible ideal that would require maintenance, refinement, or support to continue to exist. Targets tend to put off everything, laying down and sleeping instead. Will forget everything around them-- including eating and drinking, saving their own lives, going to the bathroom-- all just to lay around and do nothing until they die.
Sorcery Diabolical and Summon
Sloth is incredibly lazy, not just physically but also spiritual apathy.


INT 18 STR 30
WIS 18 CON 30
CHA 17 DEX 20
AC 0 MR 40
HPs 450 Apparent age 29
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Category 20th level Demon
Powers Wrath can sense and manipulate the rage, aggression and anger of themselves, people, animals and other creatures, whether by increasing, decreasing, causing or otherwise channelling rage, even manifesting the emotional energy to physical level. He is able to induce an instinctive and uncontrollable rage in others, as well as suppress their conscious thinking. It will often cause such persons to kill anyone who makes them angriest: a spouse, relative, co-worker, even the man who cut such a person off in traffic that morning. Often, with so much rage inside, the victim may suffer a heart attack due to high blood pressure.
Sorcery Diabolical and Combatic
Wrath is the embodiment of uncontrollable anger as well as those who seek to exact unjust revenge on others.

