The Dead Man's Hand Gang is a metahuman supervillain family who use the motiffs of playing cards. Their name "dead man's hand" gets its notoriety from a legend that it was the five-card draw hand held by James Butler Hickok (better known as "Wild Bill" Hickok) when he was shot in the back of the head by Jack McCall on August 2, 1876, in Nuttal & Mann's Saloon at Deadwood, Dakota Territory. Reportedly, Hickok's final hand included the aces and eights of both black suits. They have had mixed success against authorities but always been beaten by Justice Anonymous.


Eight of Clubs
Real Name Luke Voorhes Alignment Neutral Evil
INT 10 STR 12/50 with suit
WIS 9 DEX 16
CHA 9 CON 18
MR 25 HPs 42/150 with suit
Age 32 Training Military
Height 5'9 Weight 190lbs/ 250lbs with suit
Disposition Short tempered, no patience
Category 6th level Exo Pilot
Powers The exoskeleton provides enhanced strength, armour and leaping ability (x3 normal).
Luke, the only family member without any powers uses a strength-enhancing exoskeleton provided by Lucy.


Eight of Spades
Real Name Jackson Voorhes Alignment Neutral Evil
INT 18 STR 40
WIS 18 DEX 20
CHA 10 CON 30
MR 50 HPs 100
Age 2 Training Massage
Height 6'1 Weight 220lbs
Disposition Ruthless, calculating
Category 6th level Android
Powers Telescopic and microscopic vision, thermal and night vision. He has since been modified to fire razor sharp spades from his forearms (5 per wrist, 10 metre range, 2D6 damage each).
Originally a gigolo android, Jackson became a fugitive after inadvertently killing a client while providing his services to her. He was found by Lucy before the authorities could corner him and invited to join their family.


Queen of Clubs
Real Name Grace Voorhes Alignment Neutral Evil
INT 18 STR 12
WIS 11 DEX 15
CHA 16 CON 11
MR 30 HPs 71
Age 29 Training Can pilot almost any craft whether land, sea or air.
Height 5'7 Weight 95lbs
Disposition Paranoid, ruthless
Category 6th level Mutant
Powers Emission Matter and Matter Net
Grace was a test pilot turned fugitive after killing her employer when he attempted to sexually assault her. After helping her dispose of the evidence Lucy came up with the idea for the group. They then recruited the rest of their family members into the Dead Man's Hand.


Ace of Clubs
Real Name Lucy Voorhes Alignment Neutral Evil
INT 24 STR 13
WIS 12 DEX 16
CHA 9 CON 11
MR 21 HPs 35
Age 21 Training Mechanical engineering and IT
Height 5'6 Weight 80lbs
Disposition Social misfit, only interested in gadgets and any new technology
Category 6th level Gadgeteer
Powers Androids, Fabrication, Mechanised Armour, Vehicles and Weapons
Lucy was a gifted television station technician who was always experimenting with new devices using equipment from work.


Ace of Spades
Real Name Denise Voorhes Alignment Neutral Evil
INT 11 STR 11
WIS 14 DEX 16
CHA 18 CON 17
MR 23 HPs 77
Age 31 Training Acting
Height 6' Weight 70lbs
Disposition Usually drunk, can be very charming when sober
Category 6th level Mutant
Powers Emission Cold, Emission Cryokinetic Bomb, Field Ice
Denise was originally a Broadway star whose career was destroyed by her ongoing alcoholism. She was only too happy to join the group as she had no money left to continue buying alcohol.


